[sigCR] Reminder: Call for papers: FACETED CLASSIFICATION TODAY: London, 14-15 September 2017
Aida Slavic
aida.slavic at udcc.org
Sun Jan 29 08:09:20 EST 2017
==== CALL FOR PAPERS CLOSES ON 31 January ====
International UDC Seminar 2017
Theory, Technology and End Users
DATE: 14-15 September 2017
VENUE: London
WEBSITE: http://seminar.udcc.org/2017/
CONTACT: seminar2017 at udcc.org
International UDC Seminar 2017 marks the anniversaries of two conferences devoted to faceted classification research: sixty years
since the First International Study Conference on Classification Research (Dorking, 1957) and twenty years since the the Sixth
International Study Conference (London, 1997).
The objective of the conference is to revisit faceted analytical theory as a method for (re)constructing modern classifications and indexing
languages and the role analytico-synthetic classifications have had in resource discovery and retrieval, from their introduction at the
beginning of the 20th century to date. The conference will examine the challenges analytico-synthetic classifications represent for data
modelling and interface design in the Web environment. Most importantly, it will explore potential fields of application for faceted
classifications in information organization, visualization and presentation of large datasets, social networks and in the open linked
data environment.
High quality and innovative contributions are invited for the following
- The impact of faceted analytical theory and research on modern
classification and indexing languages;
- Data modelling, data management and data sharing of faceted and
analytico-synthetic classifications;
- Vocabulary mapping, semantic linking and natural language interfacing
of analytico-synthetic systems;
- Applications of faceted analytical theory on (re)constructing
knowledge classifications and indexing languages;
- End user interface design and user-friendly knowledge presentation for
faceted systems;
- Novel applications of faceted systems outside the bibliographic
Two kinds of contributions are invited: conference papers and posters. Authors should submit a paper proposal in the form of an extended
abstract (1000-1200 words, including references, for papers; and 500-600 words for posters). The submission form is provided on the conference website.
Proposals will be reviewed by the Programme Committee consisting of an international panel of experts. Each submission will undergo a blind
review by at least three reviewers.
The Conference proceedings will be published by Ergon Verlag and will be distributed at the conference. Best papers will be proposed for publishing in the Knowledge Organization journal
31 Jan 2017 Submission deadline
1 Mar 2017 Notification of acceptance & paper submission instruction
15 May 2017 Papers submission (camera ready copy)
ORGANIZER: The International UDC Seminar 2017 "Faceted Classification Today: Theory, Technology and End Users" is the sixth biennial
conference in a series of International UDC Seminars organized by the UDC Consortium (UDCC). UDC Seminars are devoted to advances in documentary classification research and their application in a networked environment. UDCC is a not-for-profit organization, based in
The Hague, established to maintain and distribute the Universal Decimal Classification and to support its use and development. UDC is one of the most widely used knowledge organization systems in the bibliographic domain.
UDC Consortium
PO Box 90407
2509 LK The Hague
The Netherlands
Web: http://www.udcc.org
Email: mail at udcc.org
* CFP: International UDC Seminar 2017 - London, 14-15 September - http://seminar.udcc.org/2017/
* UDC Online Hub (6 languages): http://www.udc-hub.com/index.php
* UDC Summary (56 languages): http://www.udcsummary.info/php/index.php
The Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) is the world's foremost multilingual classification scheme for all fields of knowledge, a sophisticated indexing and retrieval tool
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