[sigCR] FW: news + SIG/CR election results

Greenberg, Jane janeg at email.unc.edu
Tue Sep 24 11:58:28 EDT 2013

Apologies if this is a duplicate messg.. j

 Greetings -

Please join me in congratulating Jonathan Furner as the SIG/CR chair elect.

A few other notes ~

§  SIS/CR on the web:  Folks may be aware that SIG/CR now has a Wordpress page @:  http://sigcr.wordpress.com/.  With the exception of the 'message from the Cabinet' from March, all other news is in reverse chronological order, keeping folks up-to-date.  Thank you to Melissa Adler and Emma Tonkin for their work + talent in launching this site.

§  SIG/CR logo:  We are still finessing a logo that appears there, so don't panic (it includes a platypus... per previous discussion.  Look for magnets at this year's ASIST).

§  SIG/CR Business Meeting + SIG/CR workshop/Big Data, Linked Data: Classification Research at the Junction:   @ ASIST/Montreal:  Business meeting, see:  http://sigcr.wordpress.com/2013/08/22/sig-cr-business-meeting-at-asist/).  Last year was pretty wild; and, unfortunately, devastating for some, given Storm Sandy.   Looking forward to SIG/CR folks gathering in Montreal at the workshop  (http://sigcr.wordpress.com/2013/05/31/sig-cr-workshop-2013-at-asist-am-montreal-canada/), and via other ASIST forums.

Best wishes, jane

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