[sigCR] Reviewers for ASIST AM requested

Green,Rebecca greenre at oclc.org
Fri May 3 15:05:11 EDT 2013

Hi all,


The organizers of the ASIST Annual Meeting have just asked that each SIG
supply the names of several reviewers who can represent their subject
area.  If you are willing to help out in this capacity, please send me
(at greenre at oclc.org) the following:

*         Your name

*         Email address

*         Affiliation

*         Keywords for areas of expertise 


Our general understanding is that reviewers may be asked to review 3-5
submissions; a reviewer can decline to review a specific submission.
We believe the reviews would be due no later than sometime in early
June, but we don't have an exact date yet.  What we do have an exact
date for is when we need to supply reviewers' names, which is next
Tuesday.  So, if willing, don't delay; volunteer NOW!!!


Many thanks.


Rebecca Green



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