[sigCR] How many controlled vocabularies?

Joseph Busch jbusch at taxonomystrategies.com
Thu Feb 21 09:03:00 EST 2013

Great question Joe! 

Taxonomy Warehouse
=ab) is a comprehensive (but not exhaustive) resource for current CV's.

I have visited the Toronto collection which is likely the most comprehensive
collection of CVs available today. Its strength is historical, printed
CVs--not current online resources. It also has a focus on traditional
content organization schemes and classification systems--not ontologies and
esoterica outside the traditional LIS domain. I am very curious about other
opinions of the Toronto collection.

Best regards,

Joseph A Busch
mobile +1-415-377-7912
jbusch at taxonomystrategies.com

Taxonomy Strategies:
the business of organized information

-----Original Message-----
From: sigcr-l-bounces at asis.org [mailto:sigcr-l-bounces at asis.org] On Behalf
Of Joseph Tennis
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 5:35 PM
To: sigcr-l at asist.org
Subject: [sigCR] How many controlled vocabularies?

Friends and colleagues,

I am wondering if anyone knows how many controlled vocabularies exist in the
world today?  I am aware of the OBO Foundry, Taxobank, and I have started to
collect lists from other places, but I don't have a clue as to whether these
are a representative sample or not.  I can only start to understand if I
know how many are out there (in every different version).  Does anyone have
an idea?  Does anyone know where I might look?  Does the SAS collection at
Toronto serve as a complete inventory of these things?

And by controlled vocabulary I mean classification schemes, thesauri,
terminologies, ontologies, etc.  Anything that is a restricted set of
semantics used in the process of indexing or labeling.  Yes, that is very
general ;-)

Thanks for any and all help you can provide.


Joseph T. Tennis
Assistant Professor
The Information School
University of Washington

Reviews Editor for the journal Knowledge Organization

jtennis at uw.edu<mailto:jtennis at uw.edu>

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