[sigCR] Election results!

Barbara H Kwasnik bkwasnik at syr.edu
Thu Sep 6 11:43:49 EDT 2012

Yay! Good on us. Congratulations to winners, and thanks again to everyone who agreed to run. Barbara

-----Original Message-----
From: sigcr-l-bounces at asis.org [mailto:sigcr-l-bounces at asis.org] On Behalf Of Kathryn La Barre
Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2012 9:18 AM
To: <sigcr-l at asis.org>
Subject: [sigCR] Election results!


I'm pleased to announce the election of officers for SIG/CR:

§ Grant Campbell Chair-elect gcampbel at uwo.ca****

**§  **Secretary Treasurer - Rebecca Green greenre at oclc.org****

**§  **Co-chairs > Communications ((Web/Wiki)), Etc.!!****

**o   **Emma Tonkin  e.tonkin at ukoln.ac.uk****

**o   **Melissa Adler madler at wisc.edu****

**§  Jane Greenberg, Chair janeg at email.unc.edu****

** I'd like to thank the outgoing officers:

Past Chair: Megan Winget

Outgoing Chair: Joe Tennis

Communications officers: Kathy Wisser, Dave Pimentel

Special thanks to each of you who have given sage advice over the years, and who helped us with the first CR election in quite some time!

I hope to see you at the upcoming workshop! In celebration of the long history of CR - we have a full day planned with keynotes from Fran and Shawne Miksa, and Marjorie Hlava, a doctoral student symposium, lightning talks and a number of paper presentations!

The SIG/CR business meeting times are as follows:

4:30-5 and 7:30-8:30 on Monday, October 29.
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