[Sigcr-l] ASIST SIG/HFIS Call for proposals for ASIST-AM 2011
klabarre at illinois.edu
klabarre at illinois.edu
Tue Apr 26 13:53:09 EDT 2011
SIG HFIS and SIG CR have a long history of collaborating on proposals, thus I invite you to consider any jointly submitted panels that might appeal to our membership!
History and Foundations of Information Science Special Interest Group (SIG HFIS) has a particular interest in historical and theoretical studies in information science. We are hospitable to varied and eclectic interests. A further indication of SIG HFIS’s scope can be gathered inductively from the topics covered at recent ASIS&T Annual Meetings, which have included, Repositioning Information Science (a reflection on information science as a discipline), Towards Positive Information Science, Documentation and Communication in Aboriginal/Indigenous Cultures, and New Directions in Information History.
We invite proposals for panels and for contributions to panels for submission under the ample aegis of HFIS for the 74th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIST 2011), Bridging the Gulf: Communication and Information in Society, Technology, and Work, to be held in New Orleans, Louisiana, October 9-13, 2011 Proposals should be formatted in accordance with the call for papers at http://www.asis.org/asist2011/am11cfp.html but sent to me (j.warner at qub.ac.uk) as attachments. I will submit all proposed panels and attempt to compile coherent panel(s) out of proposals for individual contributions received.
We would like proposals by May 15, 2011 (to give time to compile panel proposals from individual contributions).
I look forward to receiving contributions from colleagues.
Julian Warner, Chair SIG HFIS
The guidance for submission for panels reads.
Proposals for panels are invited on topics that include emerging cutting-edge research and design, analyses of hot or emerging trends, opinions on controversial issues, analyses of tools and techniques, and contrasting viewpoints from experts in complementary professional areas. Panels are not a substitute for a set of contributed papers, but must have a cohesive theme and promote lively interaction between panelists and audience members. Submit two to four pages that provide an overview of the issues to be discussed by the panel. Proposals should also list panelists who have agreed to participate and indicate the qualifications and contribution that each panelist will offer. Proposals for Pecha Kucha style presentations are encouraged.
For questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact:
Julian Warner j.warner at qub.ac.uk (current chair)
Kathryn La Barre klabarre at illinois.edu (incoming chair)
>Kathryn La Barre
>Assistant Professor
>Graduate School of Library and Information Science
>University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
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