[Sigcr-l] 11th ISKO Conference: registration closes Feb 3

Claudio Gnoli gnoli at aib.it
Wed Jan 13 11:00:34 EST 2010

[Forgive cross-posting, and distribute as you see fit]

     --- Eleventh International ISKO Conference ---
Paradigms and conceptual systems in knowledge organization

            Rome (Italy), 23-26 February 2010

Registration is open ** until February 3rd **
at the conference website: http://www.iskoi.org/rome2010

Programme and abstracts:

Keynote speaker:
W. Boyd Rayward (University of Illinois)

Workshop on Levels of reality as a KO paradigm chaired by:
Roberto Poli (University of Trento)

Seminar on Epistemological paradigms in KO by:
Birger Hjorland (Royal School of LIS, Copenhagen)

Conference chair:
Fulvio Mazzocchi (National Research Council, Italy)

Programme chair:
Claudio Gnoli (University of Pavia)

To register:
-- go to http://www.iskoi.org/rome2010
-- login with your username (or create one)
-- click on "Register" or go to
-- pay online by Paypal, or by bank transfer
-- go back to the registration form and fill it

Registration fees, including attendance, proceedings volume,
3 lunches and 6 coffee breaks:
270 EUR regular
230 EUR ISKO member
120 EUR student
100 EUR one-day (without proceedings)

Accommodation information:

General contact:
rome2010 at mate.unipv.it

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