[Sigcr-l] Sharing Vocabularies on the Web via SKOS, London 21 July 2008

Aida Slavic aida at acorweb.net
Fri Jun 13 12:58:30 EDT 2008

***Apologies for cross-posting***

We would like to invite you to a half-day event organized by the British
Chapter of International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO UK)

"Sharing Vocabularies on the Web via Simple Knowledge Organization
System (SKOS)" in London

21 July 2008 from 14:00 - 19:00 (registration starts at 13:30)
Venue: University College London, Engineering Faculty, Roberts Building
G06, Sir Ambrose Fleming Lecture Theatre

Cost: 20 GBP  (students and ISKO members free!)

Predictions for the Semantic Web are heavily dependent on the ability of
computers to reason and communicate using controlled vocabularies. SKOS
(Simple Knowledge Organization System) development aims to bring forward
these capabilities.

Aware of the growing importance of SKOS, ISKO UK in cooperation with
School of Library, Archives and Information Studies at UCL has invited a
group of experts to introduce this standard, explain its status,
potential and scope. Speakers on this event - Alistair Miles, Antoine
Isaac, Stella Dextre Clarke, Leonard Will, Nicolas Cochard, Ceri Binding
and Douglas Tudhope - are involved in the development and application of
SKOS and related standards and are hoping to provoke some interesting

This event, the third in ISKO UK's KOnnecting KOmmunities series,
promises a fascinating glimpse of the future of controlled vocabularies.
No one involved or interested in the development, management or
implementation of controlled vocabularies can afford to miss it.

For full details on the venue, programme and to book your place at the
event visit http://www.iskouk.org/SKOS_July2008.htm.

Looking forward to seeing you in July!


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