[Sigcr-l] IEEE/ACM CSTST'08: Call for Papers
Youakim BADR
youakim.badr at insa-lyon.fr
Sun Apr 13 12:55:49 EDT 2008
The Fifth IEEE International Conference on
Soft Computing as Transdisciplinary Science and Technology (CSTST'08)
Technically Sponsored by the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society (pending approval) , EUSFLAT Society, European Neural Network Society
in Cooperation with ACM SIGAPP.fr
October 26-30, 2008
Cergy-Pontoise/Paris, FRANCE
Hosted by the "University of Cergy Pontoise"
The International Conference on Soft Computing as Transdisciplinary Science and Technology (CSTST'08) brings together international soft computational
intelligence researchers, developers, practitioners, and users.
The aim of CSTST (previously called WSTST) is to serve as a forum to present current and future work as well as to exchange research ideas in this field.
CSTST'08 invites authors to submit their original and unpublished work that demonstrates current research in all areas of soft computing, as well as proposals
for workshops, industrial presentations, demonstrations, and tutorials.
We solicit original research and technical papers not published elsewhere.
The papers can be theoretical, practical and application oriented on the following themes (but not limited to):
* Information and Data Management
* Intelligent Hybrid Systems
* Fusion of Soft and Hard Computing
* Data and Web Mining
* Decision Support Systems
* Natural Language Processing
* Intelligent Agent-based Systems, Cognitive and Reactive Distributed AI Systems
* Internet Modeling
* Multimedia Information Systems
* Information Retrieval
* Human-Computer Interface
* XML-based Languages
* Security and Access Control
* Information Content Security
* Mobile, Ad Hoc and Sensor Network Management
* Applications
o E-Learning, eCommerce, eBusiness and eGovernment
o Image and speech signal processing, prediction, and control
o Robotics
o Biology and medicine
o Business and management
o Artificial societies
o Chemicals, pharmaceuticals and materials
o Environment engineering
Paper submission
Submissions must be in an electronic form as PDF files and should be uploaded using the conference website (http://cstst.insa-lyon.fr).
Full paper submissions should be in ACM format with a limit of 6 pages.
Papers that fail to comply with length limit will be rejected.
Submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least 2 independent reviewers of the PC.
Selection criteria will include: relevance, significance, impact, originality, technical soundness, and quality of presentation.
Preference will be given to submissions that take strong or challenging positions on important emergent topics.
At least one author should attend the conference to present the paper.
The conference Proceedings will be indexed by ACM Digital Libraries and published with an ISBN.
- To commemorate the memory of Prof. Yasuhiko Dote, the Founder and General Chair of the WSTST series of meetings, the Board Chairs of CSTST 2008 are honoured to establish the Professor Yasuhiko Dote Award for the distinguished best paper.
Information about the winner will be posted on the conference web site. This Award will include a commemorative plate and a waiver of the registration fees for the following CSTST edition.
- "Best student paper" will be awarded of 400 euros.
Important Dates
Full Paper Submissions: June 15, 2008
Notification of Paper Acceptance: August 15, 2008
Camera Ready Papers Due: September 17, 2008
Author Registration: September 17, 2008
Conference Dates: October 26-30, 2008
Journal Publication
Extended versions of the selected papers will be published in one of the following reviewed journals.
1. Journal of Information Assurance and Security (JIAS) (ISSN 1554-1010)
2. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research (ISSN 0973-1873)
Honorary Chair
Lotfi A. Zadeh, University of California, U.S.A
General Co-Chairs
Youakim Badr, INSA-Lyon, France
Ajith Abraham, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Yukio Ohsawa, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Program Co-Chairs
Richard Chbeir, University of Bourgogne, France
Fernando Ferri, IRPPS-CNR, Italy
Mario Koeppen, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
International Co-Chairs
Sepo Ovaska, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
Yukinori Suzuki, Muroran Institute of Technology, Japan
Frederic Andres, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Workshops Co-Chairs
Hiroshi Ishikawa, Shizuoka University, Japan
Yinghua Ma, Shanghai JiaoTong University, China
International Advisory Board
James Keller, University of Missouri-Columbia, USA
Cihan H. Dagli, University of Missouri-Rolla, USA
Hidenori Kimura, University of Tokyo, Japan
Fumio Harashima, Tokyo Denki University, Japan
Lakhmi Jain, University of South Australia, Australia
Janusz Kacprzyk, Polish Academy of Science, Poland
Takeshi Furuhashi, Nagoya University, Japan
Azuma Ohuchi, Hokkaido University, Japan
Hideyuki Takagi, Kyushu University, Japan
Toru Yamaguchi, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology, Japan
Kensuke Kawai, Toshiba Co., Japan
Local Arrangement Co-Chairs
Dominique Laurent, University of Cergy-Pontoise, France
Jean Luc Bourdon, University of Cergy-Pontoise, France
Virginie Sans, University of Cergy-Pontoise, France
Local Arrangement Committee
Sonia Katchadourian, University of Cergy-Pontoise, France
Clémence Driol, University of Cergy-Pontoise, France
International Programme Committee (To be completed)
Abdelhamid Bouchachia, Alps-Adriatic University of Klagenfurt, Austria
Abderrafiaa Koukam, Université de technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard, France
Abo Al-Ola Atifi, CBA Kuwait University, Kuwait
Agma Traina, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Agostino Marengo, University of Bari, Italy
Ahmed El Oualkadi, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Ahmed Mostefaoui, University of Franche Comte, France
Akira Asano, Hiroshima University, Japan
Alberto F. De Souza, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo - UFES, Brazil
Alessandra Lumini, Faculty of Engineering University of Bologna, Italy
Alexandre Dolgui, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint Etienne, France
Alfredo Cuzzocrea, University of Calabria, Italy
Ali Riza Yildiz, University of Michigan, USA
Amparo Fuster-Sabater, Institute of Applied Physics (CSIC), Spain
Ana Madureira, Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, Portugal
Andies Engelbrecht, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Andre Ponce de Leon F. de Carvalho, University of Sao Paulo at Sao Carlos, Brazil
Andreas Konig, Technische Universitaet Kaiserslautern, Germany
Andri Riid, Tallinn Technical University, Estonia
Andy Phippen, University of Plymouth, UK
Anna Formica, Istituto di Analisi dei Sistemi ed Informatica CNR, Italy
Antonio Gaspar-Cunha, University of Minho, Portugal
Asanee Kawtrakul, University of Kasetsart, Thailand
Aziz Elfazziki, University of Marrakech, Marocco
Baoyong Chi, Tsinghua University, China
Ben Aggarwala, University of Calgary, Canada
Bernard De Baets, Ghent University, Belgium
Bernard Grabot, LGP-ENIT, France
Bharat Bhargava, Purdue University, USA
Brijesh Verma, Central Queensland University, Australia
Bruno Apolloni, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
C.-C. Jay Kuo, University of Southern California, USA
Chi Shen, University of Kentucky, USA
Ching-Cheng Lee, California State University at Hayward, USA
Charles Shoniregun, University of East London, London
Chrisa Tsinaraki, Technical University of Crete, Greece
Christelle Vangenot, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
Christian Blum, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
Christian Veenhuis, Fraunhofer IPK, Germany
Christine Verdier, Joseph Fourier University, France
Christophe Cruz, Bourgogne University, France
Christophe Marquesuzaa, IUT de Bayonne, France
Christophe Nicolle, Université de Bourgogne, France
Claudia Di Napoli, "C.N.R. - Istituto di Cibernetica", Italy
Crina Grosan, Babes-Bolyai University, Romania
Costin Badica, University of Craiova, Romania
Daniel Merkle, University of Leipzig, Germany
Danielle Boulanger, Université Jean Moulin, France
David Gross-Amblard, Bourgogne University, France
David L. la Red Martínez, Universidad Nacional del Nordeste, Argentina
Deborah Dahl, Conversational Technologies, USA
Diptri Srinivasan, National Univ. of Singapore, Singapore
Dominique Laurent, ETIS Laboratory, France
Dragan Gasevic, Athabasca University, Canada
Eiji Uchino, Yamaguchi University, Japan
Elizabeth Gouvêa Goldbarg, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
Emilio Corchado, University of Burgos, Spain
Ernesto Cuadros-Vargas, San Pablo Catholic University, Peru
Ernesto Damiani, University of Milan, Italy
Esteban Tlelo-Cuautle, INAOE, México
Estevam Rafael Hruschka Junior, Federal University of Sao Carlos, Brazil
Etienne Kerre, University of Gent, Belgium
Francisco Herrera, University of Granada, Spain
Frank Klawonn, University of Applied Sciences BS/WF, Germany
Francois Verdier, ETIS Laboratory, France
Fuchun Sun, Tsinghua University, China
Gabriel Luque, University of Malaga, Spain
Genoveva Vargas-Solar, Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble, France
Georgios Sirakoulis, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
Ghilès Mostafaoui, University of Villetaneuse, France
Graham Kendall, University of Nottingham, UK
Halina Kwasnicka, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Harald Kosch, University of Passau, Germany
Hilary Holz, Laboratory for Adaptive Hypermedia and Assistive Technology, USA
Hiranmay Ghosh, Tata Consultancy Services, India
Hiroshi Ishikawa, Shizuoka University, Japan
Hisao Ishibuchi, Osaka Prefecture University, Japan
Hongbo Liu, Dalian Maritime University, China
Huayang Xie, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Ignacio Ponzoni, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina
Igor F. Tsigelny, University of California San Diego, USA
Igor Lemberski, Baltic International Academy, Latvia
Imre Rudas, Budapest Tech, Hungary
Irina Kondratova, NRC Institute for Information Technology of Fredericton, Canada
Isabel Lopes Nunes, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Ivan Jordanov, University of Portsmouth, UK
J.K Vijayakumar, American University of Antigua, West Indies
Jacques Fayolle, Universite Jean Monnet, France
Jae C. Oh, Syracuse University, USA
James Lu, Emory University, USA
Jaroslaw Kozlak, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
Javier Jesus Sanchez Medina, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
Jerzy Grzymala-Busse, University of Kansas , USA
Jon Burgstone, University of California Berkeley, USA
John Burns, ITT Dublin, Ireland
Juan de Lara, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain
Kablan Barbar, Libanese University, Liban
Katrin Franke, Gjovik University College,Germany
Kaori Yoshida, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
Kazumi Nakamatsu, University of Hyogo, Japan
Kazushi OHYA, Tsurumi University, Japan
Kubilay Ecerkale, Hava Harp Okulu, Turkey
Lei Chen , HKUST, China
Liang Zhao, University of São Paulo, Brazil
Lotfi Ben Romdhane, Faculty of Sciences Monastir, Tunisia
Luis Magdalena, European Centre for Soft Computing, Spain
Marcin Paprzycki, Warsaw School of Social Psychology, Poland
Marco Painho, Universidade Nova de Lisboa,Portugal
Maria do Carmo Nicoletti, Universidade Federal de S. Carlos, Brazil
Maria Ganzha, Systems Research Institute, Poland
Mario Ventresca, University of Waterloo, Canada
Mark Embrechts, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
Martine De Cock, Ghent University, Belgium
Masaru Teranishi, Nara University of Education, Japan
Massimo De Gregorio, "Istituto di Cibernetica - CNR", Italy
Mathias Quoy, ETIS Laboratory, France
Maumita Bhattacharya, Charles Sturt University, Australia
Maytham Safar, Kuwait University, Kuwait
Michael Berthold, University of Konstanz, Germany
Michael Blumenstein, Griffith University - Gold Coast, Australia
Miguel Ángel Sotelo Vázquez, University of Alcalá, Spain
Mohand-Said Hacid, Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France
Monica Chis, University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Morad Benyoucef, University of Ottawa, Canada
Nadine Cullot, Bourgogne University, France
Nicolas Lumineau, University of Lyon, France
Nicomedes L. Cavalcanti Junior, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil
Olgierd Unold, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Oscar Castillo, Tijuana Institute of Technology, Mexico
Oscar Corcho, University of Manchester, UK
Pandian Vasant, University Technology Petronas, Malaysia
Patrick Siarry, Université Paris 12 (LiSSi) , France
Patrizia Grifoni, National Research Council, Italy
Paolo Merialdo, Universita' degli Studi Roma Tre, Italy
Paulo Moura Oliveira, UTAD University, Portugal
Petr Pošík, Czech Technical University, Czech Republic
Pierre Andry, University of Cergy Pontoise, France
Pit Pichappan, Annamalai University, India
PJ Costa Branco, Instituto Superior Técnico (I.S.T.), Portugal
Puhan Niladri Bihari, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Qiang Zhu, University of Michigan, USA
Rajeev Raje, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis,USA
Raija Halonen, University of Oulu, Finland
Rajesh Prasad, Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, India
Rajkumar Roy, Cranfield University, UK
Raquel Barco, Universidad de Malaga, Spain
Riccardo Torlone, University of Rome "RomaTre", Italy
Richard J. Duro, Universidade da Coruna, Spain
Robert Levinson, University of California at Santa Cruz, USA
Roman Neruda, Institute of Computer Science ASCR, Czech Republic
Ronald Yager, Iona College, USA
Ruan Jishou, University of Nankai, China
Ruqiang Yan, University of Massachusetts, USA
Sadok BEN YAHIA, University of Tunis, Tunisia
Saman Kumara Halgamuge, University of Melbourne, Australia
Saravanan Muthaiyah, George Mason University, USA
Sebastian Lozano, University of Seville, Spain
Selma Ayse Ozel, Cukurova University, Turkey
Seppo Ovaska, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
Shlomo Berkovsky, University of Melbourne, Australia
Shu-Ching Chen, University Park, USA
Shui Yu, Deakin University, Australia
Siti Mariyam Shamsuddin, University Technology of Malaysia, Malaysia
Soumya BANERJEE, Birla Institute of Technology, India
Stefania Marrara, University of Milan, Italy
Stefano Cagnoni, University of Parma, Italy
Stephen Marsh, National Research Council Canada, Canada
Suash Deb, National Institute of Science & Technology, India
Sugata Sanyal, School of Technology & Computer Science, India
Sung-Bae Cho, Yonsei University, Korea
Svein Johan, Knapskog Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Takafumi Matsumaru, Shizuoka University, Japan
Talbi El-Ghazali , INRIA Futurs, France
Teresa Bernarda Ludermir, Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil
Thanasis Daradoumis, Open University of Catalonia, Spain
Thanh Ha Dang, Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6, France
Thierry Badard, Université Laval, Canada
Thomas Hanne, University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, Switzerland
Tom Gedeon, Australian National University, Australia
Tommo Reti, Helsinki Institute for Information Technology, Finland
Tomoharu Nakashima, Osaka Prefecture University, Japan
Tulin Mangir, California State University Long Beach, USA
Tsung-Che Chiang, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Urszula Markowska-Kaczmar, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Uwe Zimmer, Australian National University, Australia
Ventzeslav Valev, Bulgarian Academy of Science, Bulgaria
Vincent Oria, NJIT, USA
Viorel Negru, West University, Romania
Virendra Bhavsar, University of New Brunswick, Canada
Wilfried Elmenreich, Klagenfurt University, Austria
William Grosky, University of Michigan-Dearborn,USA
Witold Abramowicz, University of Economics, Poland
Witold Pedrycz, University of Alberta, Canada
Xiaojun Qi, Utah State University, USA
Xiao-Jun Zeng, University of Manchester, UK
Xiao-Zhi Gao, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
Yinghua MA, Shanghai JiaoTong University, China
Yiwei Cao, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
YoungJoon Byun, California State University - Monterey Bay, USA
Yoshiteru Ishida, Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan
Zensho Nakao, University of the Ryukyus, Japan
Zhigang Zeng, Wuhan University of Technology, China
Zhi-Hong Deng, Peking University,China
Zhongfei Zhang, Binghamton University, USA
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