[Sigcr-l] Knowledge Organization CFP
Richard Smiraglia
Richard.Smiraglia at liu.edu
Thu Aug 23 10:43:13 EDT 2007
Call For PapersNow seeking manuscripts for vol. 35 (2008)
Knowledge Organization (KO)
Devoted to Concept Theory, Classification, Indexing and Knowledge Representation
Official Quarterly Journal of the International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO)
Published by ERGON-Verlag, Würzburg, Germany
Knowledge Organization is an international refereed quarterly journal that publishes scholarly papers and reports related to all aspects of knowledge organization, which we define broadly as the conceptual ordering of knowledge. Beginning with vol. 34 (2007) KO is now published online.
Scope of KO: Our journal is devoted to questions of the adequate structuring and construction of ordering systems, and on the problems of their use in providing access to information contents of literature, data, or other objects of scientific interest. Contributions: (1) clarify theoretical foundations (general ordering theory, philosophical foundations of knowledge and its artifacts, theoretical bases of classification, data analysis and reduction); (2) describe practical operations associated with indexing and classification, as well as applications of classification systems and thesauri, manual and machine indexing; (3) trace the history of knowledge organization; (4) discuss questions of education and training in classification; and (5) problems of terminology in general and with respect to special fields.
Aims of KO: Knowledge Organization is a forum for all those interested in the organization of knowledge on a universal or a domain-specific scale, using concept-analytical or concept-synthetical approaches, as well as quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Knowledge Organization also addresses the intellectual and automatic compilation and use of classification systems and thesauri in all fields of knowledge, with special attention being given to the problems of terminology.
The contents of this journal are indexed and abstracted in Referativnyi Zhurnal Informatika and in the following online databases: Information Science Abstracts, INSPEC, Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA), Library Literature, PASCAL, Social Science Citation Index, Sociological Abstracts and Web of Science. Tables of Contents and Abstracts of recent issues may be reviewed at: www.ergon-verlag.de/index.html?information-_library-sciences_knowledge_organization_(journal).htm
MANUSCRIPTS: Please email manuscripts (in Word, or RTF format) with an indicative abstract to Prof. Richard P. Smiraglia, Editor-in-Chief (Long Island Univ., New York USA): Richard.Smiraglia at liu.edu.
BOOKS FOR REVIEW: Please contact Prof. Clément Arsenault, Book Review Editor (Univ. of Montréal, Canada): editorclement.arsenault at umontreal.ca.
Richard P. Smiraglia, Professor
Editor-in-Chief, Knowledge Organization
Palmer School of Library and Information Science
Long Island University
720 Northern Blvd.
Brookville NY 11548 USA
(516) 299-2174 voice
(516) 299-4168 fax
Richard.Smiraglia at liu.edu
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