[Sigcr-l] InSciT2006 Conference in Spain

InSciT2006 Conference inscit2006 at instac.es
Fri May 5 16:06:26 EDT 2006

Second Call for Papers and Conference Updates

I International Conference on Multidisciplinary Information Sciences and Technologies, InSciT2006
Mérida, SPAIN, October 25th-28th, 2006

Accepted Papers:

Abstract Submission Deadline Extended: May 15th, 2006

Dear colleague,

In addition to the features informed in the CFP, InSciT2006 is pleased to announce some exciting and relevant news about the conference, including new keynote speaker, workshops, journal special issues and accommodation arrangements. Please read it through to know more….

Dr. Donald H. Kraft, Louisiana State University, USA. JASIS&T Editor. Lecture: Intelligent Methods in Models of Text Information Retrieval: Implications for Society
Dr. Wolfgang Glanzel, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium. Scietometrics Co-Editor (Title to be announced)
Dr. Felix de Moya Anegón, University of Granada, SPAIN. Main researcher of SCImago Research Group. (Title to be announced)
Dr. Chaomei Chen, Drexel University, Editor of Information Visualization, USA. Lecture: Visual analysis of concept change and information diffusion

Incoming contributions are following a good rate, acceptance letters have started to be sent. A 400 papers proceedings book is expected to be distributed among the attendees. In addition to regular papers, it is also possible to submit proposals to the half-day International Workshop on Visual Analytics of the Evolution and Diffusion of Scientific Knowledge, led by Dr. Chaomei Chen and to the full-day Specialized Session on Knowledge Discovery and Management in Life Sciences, led by Dr. A. Fazel Famili. More info:

InSciT2006 is pleased to announce the inclusion of one workshop and one specialized session into the conference scientific program. Both sessions have been set up in order to extend the conference target audience, as reaching the widest range of research communities is one of the major goals of the conference. Find below full details about these new and exciting tracks of InSciT2006.

-- International Workshop on Visual Analytics of the Evolution and Diffusion of Scientific Knowledge
October 26th (half-day workshop)

-- Specialized Session on Knowledge Discovery and Management in Life Sciences: Current Trends and Future Directions
October 27th (full-day session)

Major topics include the following, for a comprehensive list of topics covered by InSciT2006 visit:

Information Retrieval
Digital Libraries
Hypertext and Hypermedia Systems
Electronic Publishing
Knowledge and Information Management 
Science and Information Mapping
Data Mining
Human-Computer interaction
Artificial Intelligence
Natural Language Processing
Information Visualization
Social Networks

All accepted papers presented at InSciT2006, both in the regular tracks and specialized sessions and workshops will be published as book chapters in the Conference Proceedings Book, which will be jointly edited by the University of Extremadura and the Open Institute of Knowledge. The title of the publication is expected to be "Current Research in Information Sciences and Technologies. Multidisciplinary approaches to global information systems" and it will contain an International Serial Book Number (ISBN).

Confirmed journals: (being updated)

-- Information Visualization. 
Published by Palgrave Macmillan Journals. ISSN: 1473-8716
5-7 selected papers of the Workshop on Visual Analytics of the Evolution and Diffusion of Scientific Knowledge will form a special issue of this journal. 

-- The International Information and Library Review 
Published by Elsevier. ISSN: 1057-2317
A selection of high quality papers presented in InSciT2006 will undergo an extension and revision process to become journal articles of a IILR special issue.

At this moment is also being considered to produce a special issue of Information Sciences, published by Elsevier. ISSN: 0020-0255

InSciT2006 has agreed with Rural Plan (a local travel agency) an accommodation service available for the conference attendees. Please, note that through this service a wide hotel category range is provided in order to adapt the offer to the widest range of budgets. Thus, from five-stars hotels to two-stars and hostels are offered through the conference organization. All hotels showed have been checked for a standard of quality.

Thank you in advance and do not hesitate to contact us for any suggestion or inquiry.
We would also appreciate it if you could disseminate this Call for Papers within your Department or Institution.

Dr. Vicente Guerrero Bote
InSciT2006 Conference Chairman
University of Extremadura

Borja Gonzalez
InSciT2006 Secretariat
Email: inscit2006 at instac.es

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