[Sigcr-l] Survey
Leonard Will
L.Will at willpowerinfo.co.uk
Mon May 2 06:56:55 EDT 2005
In message <p06002001be9af4cc9a0f@[]> on Sun, 1 May 2005,
Marcia J. Bates <mjbates at ucla.edu> wrote
>Dear Sarit,
> You have certainly found an unusual way to do your research. And
>I don't know what question or hypothesis you are studying. I worry
>about the quality of the data you will receive. People may define
>browsing in many different ways.
Yes, and it seems to me that the times you want will be very dependent
on how people record results. You say
>>A. The shelf browsing - the length of time from entering the library
>>until the list of the retrieved publications is complete.
>>B. The catalog browsing - the length of time from starting the catalog
>>browsing until the list of the retrieved publications is complete.
This will depend a lot on how people create the lists. If they have to
examine each item, check for relevance, decide on its author and title
and write that down, some people will take a lot longer to do that than
others. If the catalogue allows you to print a list of the retrieved
items, it will be much quicker than manually transcribing information
from books on the shelf, but the "5 relevant pages" test will not be
Leonard Will
Willpower Information (Partners: Dr Leonard D Will, Sheena E Will)
Information Management Consultants Tel: +44 (0)20 8372 0092
27 Calshot Way, Enfield, Middlesex EN2 7BQ, UK. Fax: +44 (0)870 051 7276
L.Will at Willpowerinfo.co.uk Sheena.Will at Willpowerinfo.co.uk
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