[Sigcabinet] ASIS&T SIGs - things to spend $ on

Phillip M Edwards pmedward at email.unc.edu
Wed Mar 24 10:19:58 EDT 2010

I've created a space for us to work on this on the ASIST wiki:


It's a subpage of the SIG_Cabinet wiki page. I'll try to add some
preliminary ideas later today... -Phil

On Wed, 24 Mar 2010 09:34:25 -0400, KT Vaughan <ktlv at email.unc.edu> wrote:
> Hi all -
> I'm digging out after a weird winter and realize that we have a few 
> things we need to discuss, largely dealing with the SIG financial 
> restructuring.  I am hoping that one of you will volunteer to draft a 
> list of suggestions to SIGs for what they can/should spend society money 
> on.  They requested this from us because of confusion over what are 
> allowed expenditures under society rules and the guidelines of the SIG 
> Fund. Chris? Nadia? Kevin? Phil?  It would be great if one or more of 
> you could run with this - particularly since I'm leaving today for three 
> weeks of travel.
> There's only one thing specifically banned for society funding: travel 
> by society members.  Travel expenses for non-members to the conference 
> (speakers, etc) is ok, and awards/scholarships that are given at 
> meetings (and, one would expect, are used to offset travel) are ok. As 
> long as there's no direct link between the $ and the travel receipts all 
> is good.
> The Board would prefer to spend money first on things that benefit the 
> society as a whole, then that only benefit the SIG.  We would also 
> prefer to spend on program type things and then on social things.
> What I need is a ranked and/or categorized list of possible 
> projects/events/etc that SIGs can use for their budgeting. 
> Thanks,
> KT

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