[Sigcabinet] ACTION: ASIST SIG Cab December teleconference

KT Vaughan ktlv at email.unc.edu
Wed Nov 19 14:03:06 EST 2008

Hi all -
I'd like to get as many of us together on a phone call as we can, 
sometime in the first few weeks after Thanksgiving.  We need to welcome 
our two new members (Phil and Chris), welcome back returning members 
(Shelly, Rafal, Kevin, and myself), and get some business done.  
Specifically, we need to assign SIG shepherds and go over those 
responsibilities, and we need to discuss goals for the year.  I've set 
up a Doodle poll for scheduling the teleconference.  Please go to 
http://www.doodle.com/participation.html?pollId=ut74izkpz6tw2wiz and 
vote for any time in the three weeks offered that you are able to meet 
for about an hour to 90 minutes.

To forward the SIG shepherd assignments, if you would send me a list of 
SIGs that you ARE interested in shepherding as well as those that you 
ARE NOT interested in, I can get going on sorting everyone.  I promise 
nothing, of course.  ;).

Please remember to do the Doodle poll so I can get the teleconference 
scheduled.  Thanks!

Pharmacy Librarian
UNC-CH Health Sciences Library	

Clinical Associate Professor of Pharmacy
UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy

CB 7585
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7585
Phone: 919 966 8011
Fax: 919 966 5592
Email: ktlv at email.unc.edu

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