[Sigbioinform-l] Last CfPapers: "Identity in the Virtual" conference -4p deadline 30nov08

Colin T. SCHMIDT colin.schmidt at univ-lemans.fr
Thu Nov 20 06:43:00 EST 2008

Please re-distribute


*The Philosophy of Identity in the Virtual *

Symposium n° 6 (of 6), April 23, 9-12 AM / 2-5 PM


For information on the venue and related Symposiums:

Difference, Relation and Identity are three notions that are 
fundamentals for the success of Virtual Reality technologies (VR and 
AR). The aim of this symposium is to conceptualise the Identity of an 
individual as a scientific concept whilst acknowledging the fact that 
Identity cannot be studied without considering the other two notions. 
The pros and cons of designing identities for or within VR become 
obvious upon admitting that representing any Self will be interpreted at 
some point by someone having his own values, opinions and experience in 
life. Members of our society that self-procure, attribute or 
redistribute Identity in the Virtual World bring about psychological 
enquiries in relation to user intentionality, specific uses of VR 
applications or general modifications to our ways of communicating. 
Usability issues addressing the problem of Identity have not yet been 
integrated into long-term visions of society and our needs. The Chair of 
the session is thus open to all existential, ethical and epistemological 
issues having to do with Identity in Virtual Communities.

**Important Dates**
Online papers submission opens **November 30, 2008**
Submission of full papers **January 19, 2009**
Notification of acceptation **February 27, 2009**
Deadline for final revisions **March 16, 2009**

Symposium chair: Colin Schmidt colin.schmidt at univ-lemans.fr

For more information, see the Call for Paper 

*Scientific Committee *

/Jean-Paul BAQUIAST,/ Expert in Politics of Information Technologies. 
Editor of AutomatesIntelligent.com & Member of PanEurope France (FR)

/Mark BISHOP, /Reader in Computing, Goldsmiths, University of London (UK)
Kerstin DAUTENHAHN, /Professor of Artificial Intelligence, Adaptive 
Systems Research Group, University of Hertfordshire (UK)
Charles ESS,/ Professor in Interdisciplinary Studies (Ethics, Global 
Perspectives), Drury University USA & President of the Association of 
Internet Researchers (USA)

/Viorel GULICIUC/, Professor of Ancient Philosophy, Semiotics and 
Digital Aesthetics, Stefan cel Mare University, Romania (RO)

/Pierre LIVET, /Director of CEPERC & Professor of Epistemology, 
Aix-Marseille University (FR)

/Lorenzo MAGNANI, /Professor & Director of the Computational Philosophy 
Laboratory, University of Pavia (IT)

/Nadia MAGNENAT-THALMANN, /Professor & Director of MIRALab, University 
of Geneva/ /(CH)

/Maria-Caterina MANES-GALLO/, Professor of Information and Communication 
Sciences, Bordeaux University (FR)

/Serge PROULX/, Professor at UQAM Montréal, Director of GRM, Director of 
LabCMO, LCP-CNRS Paris, ENST Telecom ParisTech (CA)

/Philippe QUEAU/, Imagina & Director of the Information and Computing 
Division at UNESCO (CH)

/Shahid RAHMAN, /Professor of Logic and Epistemology, MSH du Nord-Pas de 
Calais & Lille III University (FR)

/Francis ROUSSEAUX, /Professor of Computer Science, IRCAM Paris & IEEE 
Computer France Section (FR)

/Ioan //ROXIN/, Professor of Information and Communication Sciences, 
LaSéLDI, Besançon University (FR)

/Peter-Paul VERBEEK/, Assoc. Professor, Philosophy of Science, 
Technology and Society, University of Twente & Society for Philosophy 
and Technology (SPT) (NL)

/Kevin WARWICK/, Professor of Cybernetics, Reading University (UK)

*Website: • http://www.laval-virtual.org

22 - 24 APRIL 2009 LAVAL, FRANCE

Important Dates
Online papers submission opens November 10, 2008
Submission of full papers January 19, 2009
Notification of acceptation February 27, 2009
Deadline for final revisions of full papers March 16, 2009
Office : Laval Virtual - 6 rue Léonard de Vinci - BP 0119 - 53001 LAVAL 
Cedex, T +33 (0)2 43 49 75 57, F +33 (0)2 43 49 75 98,

contact at laval-virtual.org

Recognized or Potential Virtual Reality User, The most renowned 
international specialists and the principal users of Virtual Reality 
technology share the very latest techniques from their fields of expertise.
VRIC'09 - Virtual Reality International Conference - will be held during 
the 11th edition of Laval Virtual,
first European event devoted to Virtual Reality, Realtime 3D and 
Interactive Techniques.
Spread the word!

Prof. Simon RICHIR
VRIC Conference Chair

Program: • Digital Factory - April 22, 9-12 AM / 2-5 PM
• Digital Art - April 22, 9-12 AM / 2-5 PM
• Virtual Humans in Psychological Science and Therapy: How, When and 
Why? - April 23, 9-12 AM / 2-5 PM
• Mixed and Augmented Reality - April 23, 9-12 AM / 2-5 PM
• The Philosophy of Identity in the Virtual - April 23, 9-12 AM / 2-5 PM
• Laval Virtual Awards Ceremony & Best Paper Award - April 24, 12.30 PM 
(Exhibition Hall)
• Laval Virtual, Professional Exhibition & Demonstration Forum - April 
22-24 (Exhibition Hall)
Location: • VRIC - Théâtre de Laval (Conference Hall) - 32 rue de la 
• Laval Virtual - Salle Polyvalente (Exhibition Hall) - Place de Hercé, 

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