[SIGALP] James M. Cretsos Leadership Award 2003 - First Call for
Janet M. Arth
Fri, 02 May 2003 09:39:08 -0500
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Hello ASIS&T Members
It's time once again to nominate an outstanding leader for the James M.
Cretsos Leadership Award! The purpose of this award is to recognize a newer
ASIS&T member who has demonstrated outstanding leadership qualities in
professional ASIS&T activities.
The deadline for nominations is July 15, 2003. Please send nominations to
ASIST Headquarters, addressed as follows:
James M. Cretsos Leadership Award
c/o American Society for Information Science and Technology
1320 Fenwick Lane, Suite 510,
Silver Spring, Maryland 20910, USA
For full nomination information, please visit:
Eligible persons are any ASIS&T member who has been a member for no more
than seven years (including years as a student member, if applicable), at
the time the award is made, who has demonstrated outstanding leadership
qualities in professional ASIS activities.
The nomination package should include the following:
a) Nominating letter
b) No more than two pages of data, including:
. Name of the award
. Name, title, affiliation, address, telephone number of nominee
. Name, title, affiliation, address, telephone number of nominator
. Year the nominee joined ASIS
. ASIS activities (SIG, chapter, and/or student chapter)
. Participation in chapter programs
. Participation in chapter or SIG publications
. Chapter/SIG projects
. ASIS committees
. Recruitment/retention (of members) activities
c) Up to five letters of support
d) No more than two supporting documents
Any Questions? Please feel free to contact one of the following:
Janet Arth, Chair, James M. Cretsos Leadership Award Jury,
arth@umn.edu or 612-624-9860
Penny O'Connor, Chair, Leadership Development Committee,
penny.oconnor@computer.org or 216-623-2932
Thank you in advance for your nominations!
Janet M. Arth
Systems Librarian/MnLINK Web OPAC Implementation
University Libraries
453 O. Meredith Wilson Library
309-19th Avenue South
University of Minnesota phone: 612/624-9860
Minneapolis, MN 55455 email: arth@tc.umn.edu
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This message has been cross posted. Please excuse the duplication. Please
redistribute to other ASIS&T venues not covered by the ASIS&T
lists at the asis.org site (e.g. Student Chapters)<br><br>
Hello ASIS&T Members<br><br>
It's time once again to nominate an outstanding leader for the James M.
Cretsos Leadership Award! The purpose of this award is to recognize a
newer ASIS&T member who has demonstrated outstanding leadership
qualities in professional ASIS&T activities.<br><br>
The deadline for nominations is July 15, 2003. Please send
nominations to ASIST Headquarters, addressed as follows:<br><br>
James M. Cretsos Leadership Award <br>
c/o American Society for Information Science and Technology <br>
1320 Fenwick Lane, Suite 510, <br>
Silver Spring, Maryland 20910, USA<br><br>
For full nomination information, please visit: <br>
<a href="http://www.asis.org/awards/leader.htm" eudora="autourl"><font color="#0000FF"><u>http://www.asis.org/awards/leader.htm</a></u></font>.<br><br>
Eligible persons are any ASIS&T member who has been a member for no
more than seven years (including years as a student member, if
applicable), at the time the award is made, who has demonstrated
outstanding leadership qualities in professional ASIS
The nomination package should include the following:<br>
a) Nominating letter <br>
b) No more than two pages of data, including: <br>
. Name of the award <br>
. Name, title, affiliation, address, telephone number of nominee
. Name, title, affiliation, address, telephone number of
. Year the nominee joined ASIS<br>
. ASIS activities (SIG, chapter, and/or student chapter)<br>
. Participation in chapter programs<br>
. Participation in chapter or SIG publications<br>
. Chapter/SIG projects<br>
. ASIS committees<br>
. Recruitment/retention (of members) activities<br>
c) Up to five letters of support<br>
d) No more than two supporting documents<br><br>
Any Questions? Please feel free to contact one of the following:<br>
Janet Arth, Chair, James M. Cretsos Leadership Award Jury, <br>
arth@umn.edu or 612-624-9860<br><br>
Penny O'Connor, Chair, Leadership Development Committee, <br>
penny.oconnor@computer.org or 216-623-2932 <br><br>
Thank you in advance for your nominations!<br>
Janet M. Arth<br>
Systems Librarian/MnLINK Web OPAC Implementation<br>
University Libraries<br>
453 O. Meredith Wilson Library<br>
309-19th Avenue South<br>
University of
Minneapolis, MN
email: arth@tc.umn.edu </html>