[Sig-l] Fw: [Sigdl-l] Upcoming SIGDL Webinar: May 18: From Digital Library to Digital Archive: Implementing Digital Preservation Efforts
DRESSLER, Virginia
vdressle at kent.edu
Fri Apr 28 07:26:55 EDT 2017
Could you help promote our upcoming SIGDL webinar? Many thanks-
From: Sigdl-l <sigdl-l-bounces at asis.org> on behalf of DRESSLER, Virginia <vdressle at kent.edu>
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2017 3:35 PM
To: sigdl-l at asis.org
Subject: [Sigdl-l] Upcoming SIGDL Webinar: May 18: From Digital Library to Digital Archive: Implementing Digital Preservation Efforts
Hello SIG-DL-
Please join us in an upcoming webinar highlighting digital preservation efforts at the University of Southern Mississippi, presented by Digital Lab Manager Elizabeth La Beaud.
May 18, 2017
Webinar description: The University of Southern Mississippi has been digitizing materials for almost two decades. Similar to other institutions, backups were considered “preservation” of digital objects. In 2013, we started learning what was really required to preserve our data. We slowly started testing methods, proving validity of tools, and implementing improvements – all with minuscule resources. After demonstrating years of data, projections for the future, and calculating the true cost – including staffing resources and time – we transitioned to a robust digital preservation system. Our journey from digital library to digital archive is not unusual and can be replicated. This session will outline the differences between a digital library and a digital archive and simple changes that can be made to get started with digital preservation. Using the University of Southern Mississippi as a case study, this session will cover digital preservation basics from identifying needs to tool selection, from piecemeal efforts to implementing a full digital preservation system. If Mississippi can do it, you can too.
Details on registration and more information on the program can be found here:
Webinar: From Digital Library to Digital Archive: Implementing Digital Preservation Efforts | ASIS&T<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.asist.org%2Fevents%2Fwebinars%2Fwebinar-from-digital-library-to-digital-archive-implementing-digital-preservation-efforts%2F&data=01%7C01%7Cvdressle%40kent.edu%7C0c0b2868d85648c6c8ec08d48da52469%7Ce5a06f4a1ec44d018f73e7dd15f26134%7C1&sdata=oM2H%2F5418ZcgGw5nMz30QXiEmO5EK5cuHS4lYMdeIFY%3D&reserved=0>
May 18, 2017, 3:00 PM EDT From Digital Library to Digital Archive: Implementing Digital Preservation Efforts The University of Southern Mississippi has been
Thanks! Please spread the word.
Virginia Dressler, MA, MLIS
Digital Projects Librarian
University Libraries
Kent State University
Kent, Ohio
(330) 672-1465
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