[Sig-l] ASIST SIG annual meeting schedule is (nearly) published!

Kathryn La Barre klabarre at illinois.edu
Mon Jul 14 12:11:23 EDT 2014

*For planning purposes, the annual meeting program is being built here - *
<http://www.asis.org/asist2014/program.html> *

*NOTE: I don't have room assignments for any of the events,  and have
requested that all panels bear SIG sponsor designations.*

*SIG Governance *

*Sunday Nov. 2 (8:30am) SIG Cabinet*

*Tuesday Nov. 4 (all day) SIG business meetings (watch for sign up soon!)*

*Wednesday Nov. 5 (all day) SIG business meetings (watch for sign up soon!)*

*SIG socials*

*Saturday Nov. 1 (5-7) SIG KM Happy Hour*

*Sunday Nov. 2 (noon) **New Members and First Conference Brunch*

*Sunday Nov. 2 (7pm) Welcome reception and SIG rush*

*SIG Panels:*

*Sunday October 31 - 3:30pm *

*“Social informatics and social media: Theoretical reflections” SIG-SI*

*Monday Nov. 3 - 8:30 am


*“Digital Liaisons: Building Communities and Empowering/Impacting Culture
through Digital Libraries.” SIG-AH/SIG-DL *

*Monday  Nov. 3 - 8:30am*

*“Pluri, Multi-, Trans- Meta- and Interdisciplinary nature of LIS. Does it
really matter?“  SIG-H-FIS/ED  *

*Monday Nov. 3 -10:30am*

*“Boundary objects in information science research: an approach for
explicating connections between collections, cultures and communities”

*Monday Nov. 3 -3:30 am*

*“3D Technologies: New Tools for Information Scientists to Engage, Educate
and Empower Communities”    SIG-STI *

*Tuesday Nov. 4 - 8:30 *

*Resistance and Possibility:  Rethinking the Concept of Subject Access from
Queer Theoretical Perspectives SIG-CR *

*Tuesday Nov. 4  -10:30  *

*Informetrics, Bibliometrics, Scientometrics, Altmetrics:  What Is It All
About? (SIG/MET) *

*Tuesday November 4th - 12:00 *

*“Understanding Networked Youth and Online Privacy: Questions, Methods and
Implications”  SIG-USE *

*Tuesday Nov. 4 - 4:00*

*“Curation and Policy Issues in Collaborative Research Data Management
Communities: Perspectives from Library Administrators, Information
Professionals, and Research Scientists” SIG-STI*
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