[Sig-l] SIG summer calendar deadlines and action items// Schedule a conference call?
Kathryn La Barre
klabarre at illinois.edu
Sun Jul 6 16:20:48 EDT 2014
Resending the summer calendar of deadlines and action items I first shared
with you in early June.
Interested in a conference call?
SIGs that would like to arrange for a conference call to discuss budgeting
and annual reporting should send me a message offline at
klabarre at illinois.edu. We can set a time that is mutually convenient for
everyone sometime in early August - after your SIG has the FY14 accounting
(which lets you know if you have allocation funds that must be spent prior
to the end of the fiscal year) and FY15 allocation amounts (based on your
membership numbers) in hand.
Two deadlines fall in July
July 15th nominations for SIG Publication of the Year are due
July 31st is the last day to apply for SIG Project and Reserve funding.
Reporting deadlines:
Annual reports for SIGs that want to apply for SIG of the year are due
August 15, for the rest the annual report is due September 15.
Nominations now open for the following awards:
[1] SIG of the Year (deadline 8/15)
[applying for this award satisfies the annual reporting requirement]
[2] SIG Member of the Year (deadline 8/15)
***[3] SIG Publication of the Year (deadline>> approaching fast!>> 7/15)
3rd Quarter financial statements issued
July 15
***SIG Publication of the year nominations due.
July 31
[1] Financial allocation for next fiscal year is based on the overall
membership in SIGs and individual membership of each SIG as of this date.
***[2] Last day to apply for SIG Project and Reserve fund. For more
details about the fund and instructions about applications please review
Appendix C and p. 12- in the SIG officers manual here:
Applications should be emailed to the SIG Cabinet Chair:
klabarre at illinois.edu
Aug 15:
[1] SIG Annual Reports, for SIGs wishing to be nominated for SIG of the
Year award are due. NOTE: If your SIG is not applying - you must file your
annual report by September 15.
[2] SIG Member of the Year award nominations due.
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