[Sig-l] ASIS&T SIG Business meetings so far

Vaughan, K.T. ktlv at email.unc.edu
Sat Aug 28 13:17:13 EDT 2010

Hi all -

So far I have had requests from SIGs CR, DL, ED, & VIS for scheduling their business meetings.  Even if you're not going to hold your meeting in one of the designated rooms on Monday or Tuesday of the conference, please let me know when you are holding it.  Shelly and I like to pop in to say hi and offer any help or info as you need it, and we can only do that if we know where you are!  I'll also be publishing a schedule to post in various places so that newcomers can see where to go for the meetings (this was a suggestion from last year's conference reviews).

Schedule so far:
Monday 11-12: VIS
Monday 2-3: ED
Monday 5-6: DL
Tuesday 9-10: CR

KT Vaughan
ASIS&T SIG Cabinet Director

Do you have a comment, question, or suggestion for the library?  Tell us: <http://bit.ly/3LzIEB> http://bit.ly/3LzIEB.  Praise and criticism are equally welcome!

Pharmacy Librarian
UNC-CH Health Sciences Library

Clinical Associate Professor of Pharmacy
UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy

CB 7585
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7585
Phone: 919 966 8011
Fax: 919 966 5592
Email: <mailto:ktlv at email.unc.edu> ktlv at email.unc.edu<mailto:ktlv at email.unc.edu>
Blog: <http://pharmacylibrarian.blogspot.com> http://pharmacylibrarian.blogspot.com
Twitter: librariankt
Delicious: HSLPharmacy

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