[Sig-l] SIG tags/logos for ASIST Annual Meeting
Heather D. Pfeiffer
hdp at cs.nmsu.edu
Fri Aug 10 10:30:24 EDT 2007
Dear SIG Officers,
We have had wonderful participation so far with our tags (logos) for
the name tags at the Annual Meeting in October, but we need more
groups to get involved. Our intention is for each group to be creative
and have fun with designing something. The only requirements are that
it be 1" square and that it be submitted as a .jpg or .gif.
Our original deadline was August 15, but could each group please let
us know by MONDAY, August 13 what your plans are (e.g., "working on
design & will give $100"; "need help with design & will probably
donate something but have to confirm with members"). We are extending
the deadline for the actual submissions until September 4 to give
groups more time.
We are expecting tags that might have images that are relevant for
your state or region (Chapter), like outlines of your state or state
flower or bird or slogan, or your topic (SIG). Remember, this should be
simple and fun - an opportunity to bring your members together to be
creative and express the personality of your group. However, if your
group does not have anyone that can put something together, a
professional graphics person has volunteered to help you out with
possible designs.
Please send your 1" square tags/images/logos directly to Heather D.
Pfeiffer at:
hdp at cs.nmsu.edu
If your group is having trouble coming up with even a basic design you
may also send Heather email, and she can send you some examples of
what we have already received for tags or can get the professional
graphics person in contact with you to help you get started.
Please include the answers to the following questions with your tags,
request for help, or your plans:
1) Contact person who will address any problems with images or to
work with the graphics designer:
2) Email for contact person:
3) SIG name:
4) Minimum number of copies of the tag needed for the
5) Guess of maximum number of copies of the tag needed for the
6) How much is SIG donating to New Members/New Attendees Brunch
[$50 - $150]? [Note: The purpose of the donation/sponsorship is
to raise extra money to provide our newest colleagues with a
more delicious and robust culinary welcome. Remember that at the
end of the year, 50% of your unused funds go back to HQ. If you
will have a balance, please consider a contribution! We have
decided that if your group sponsors the brunch, someone from
your group may give an "elevator speech" (~120 seconds) to the
attendees of the brunch to promote interest in the group.]
7) Will SIG be sending a representative to the New Members/New
Attendees Brunch (one person only, please) or sending a one-page
fliers about your group, or both?
We hope your group will participate in this fun activity, but if you
have any questions, please contact Heather (hdp at cs.nmsu.edu) or Caryn
(caryn.anderson at simmons.edu) directly.
Heather D. Pfeiffer
Caryn Anderson
Membership Committee
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