[Sig-infolearn] SIG InfoLearn updates [to listserv]
Rebecca Reynolds
rbreynol at comminfo.rutgers.edu
Fri May 11 16:24:42 EDT 2018
Dear ASIS&T SIG InfoLearn<https://www.asist.org/SIG/SIGILS/about/> members,
[excuse x-postings].
I am writing as your SIG Chair, first with deep appreciation to you, for establishing your membership with us in our new SIG's inaugural first term! :)
I write to share along some announcements, invitations, and opportunities, as we move towards ASIS&T 2018 conference in November in Vancouver!
Also bcc'ing our officers who are listed as follows (as FYI/reminder):
Secretary/Treasurer: Dr. Eric Meyers, University of British Columbia
Communications/Memberships: Dr. Denise Agosto, Drexel University
Webmaster/Social Media: Dr. Warren Allen, Florida State University; Dr. Christopher Leeder, post-doctoral researcher, Rutgers University.
1. We have reached a milestone as a new SIG, of over 100 members; we are thrilled that the SIG is taking off and hope to be of strong value to you, in your scholarship, teaching and service. . . please feel free to spread the word! Refer-a-friend is welcome; people just login to ASIS&T website, click on their name, and update their SIG affiliations in the pull-down menus on their account page.
2. Friends can also join our listserv where all such future messages will be posted and shared, and where you can judiciously of course post and share high-value messages as well, with others in this community. Can set digest, etc. Instructions:
* To subscribe go to http://mail.asis.org/mailman/listinfo/sig-infolearn. Enter your email and a password and click "Subscribe."
* To post to this list, simply send email to: sig-infolearn at mail.asis.org.
3. Webinars! Did you know SIG members can host a SIG-sponsored online webinar with ASIS&T? These are free for ASIS&T members and cost $25 for non-members. Promotion occurs to ASIS&T email lists, and via your own channels. Proposals are accepted through the form below, which asks for SIG affiliation. Just let me or any of the officers know via email that you are submitting! Then you can go ahead and submit your excellent proposal via the form (abstract =2048 max characters). Proposals are reviewed on a rolling basis by ASIS&T, with notification from ASIS&T within three business days of the proposal receipt. Webinars must be submitted at least 30 days before the event. They are generally 30 - 60 minutes-approximately 40 minutes of presentation plus 15 minutes for questions. Webinars take place on Tuesday or Thursday between the hours of 10:00 am to 3:00 pm Eastern. Another way of getting the word out, about your excellent research!
4. Facebook group: If you'd like to follow us on FB here is the link, just request to join and we will let you in! https://www.facebook.com/groups/278013622611158/
5. SIG InfoLearn Pre-Conference Workshop, 2018: Pleased to announce that our open pre-conference workshop submission for 2018 conference has been accepted! Working Title: "Coordinating Scholarship in ‘Searching as Learning’". Details to follow; we will invite short position statements from attendees for submission prior-to. The event includes a keynote by Dan Russell of Google who will give insight on Google development efforts around Learning phenomena, and a workshopping session in which participants can receive feedback on in-progress research ideas, from 5-6 experienced scholars who will facilitate workshopping, along with peers. DATE: Saturday, November 10, 2018 from 1 pm - 5 pm, please mark calendars!
So pleased to be able to share along these updates! I hope these communications allow you to feel and stay connected, and via listserv and FB, etc. -- to engage in further networking among one another around themes that resonate under the aegis of our Information and Learning Sciences charter<https://www.asist.org/SIG/SIGILS/about/>. We encourage your collaborations, networking, and works, together! Perhaps some ideas will surface around panel-based Webinars, for instance, with multiple presenters. . . . this would be awesome to see!
Do let me and us as your officers, know how we can further support and serve you, as we build this SIG, and establish our value as a collective unit wherein our full membership can enrich one another in shared opportunities, ideas, new objectives, and positive successful outcomes and contributions in our work.
Thank you again!
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