[Sig-bwp] CfP: ASIS&T European Workshop, 1-2 June 2011 in Cork, Ireland

Isto Huvila isto.huvila at abo.fi
Fri Jan 14 15:08:34 EST 2011

Call for proposals and participation

ASIS&T European Workshop 2011 (AEW 2011)

1st-2nd June 2011 - Cork, Ireland

The first ASIS&T European Workshop will be held at University College Cork, Cork, Ireland on the 1st and 2nd of June 2011. Organized by the European Chapter of ASIS&T, it is an ideal cross-disciplinary forum to present and encounter work by research students in the fields of information, library and computer science. The workshop will offer a unique networking opportunity where ideas and research can be discussed with fellow future luminaries of the field.

Authors are invited to submit research and position papers describing on the general topic of 'Digital Information and its User'. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to

* User and digital aspects of information and knowledge management and organization
* Information behavior, practices and use
* User Interfaces for Digital Libraries and Digital Heritage Systems
* User Studies for and Evaluation of Digital Library/Digital Heritage Systems and Applications
* Cultural Heritage and Mobility
* Mobile Use of Digital Libraries
* Social Networking, Web 2.0 and Collaborative Interfaces in Digital Libraries

Submissions are invited in one of two formats - a full paper (4 pages, LNCS format) or a poster (2 pages, LNCS format). All accepted contributions will be made available to participants and will also be hosted on the ASIS&T Digital Library. One author will be expected to attend the workshop to present their paper. Prizes for best student paper and poster will be awarded. Authors' instructions along with LaTeX and Word macro files are available on the web: http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html.

Important Dates

Paper and Poster Submissions - 21 March 2011
Notification of Acceptance - 13 April 2011
Camera Ready Submission - 2 May 2011
Workshop - 1st and 2nd June 2011

More information about the workshop at workshop website

For questions, please mail aew11 (a) cs.ucc.ie

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