[Sig-bwp] New Book > _Mobile Technology and Libraries_ / Jason Griffey
gerry.mckiernan at gmail.com
Fri Jan 8 17:15:04 EST 2010
For Those (Few?) Librarians Who Doubt That The Future Of Libraries /
Library Services Are/Is Mobile >>>
Jason Griffey / Neal-Schuman / 2010 / ISBN: 9781555707118 / 6x9 /
125 pp. / $55.00
Mobile technology is fast becoming the preferred method for connecting
to the Internet, especially for people on the go. Librarians must keep
pace with this trend and integrate themselves into the mobile realm if
they wish to deliver enhanced user services. Mobile Technology and
Libraries is a practical, easy-to-follow new resource that will walk
you through the start-to-finish steps for strengthening your library’s
mobile presence.
Author Jason Griffey outlines the different mobile platforms, devices,
and services, and shows you how to create mobile library websites and
implement a number of important developments including mobile
reference and SMS. He also explains how the various affected parts of
the library –reference, I.T. circulation--can work together. You’ll
learn techniques for marketing and measuring your services, and best
practices to follow during planning, implementation, and evaluation.
This highly practical new Tech Set title will help both novice and
experienced librarians embrace these crucial new technologies and stay
relevant in an increasingly mobile society.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction: Mobile Technology Basics > •Definition and
Examples / •Importance to Libraries •Platforms
Chapter 2: Planning > •Become Part of Your Patron’s Information
Ecosystem / •Get Staff Buy-In •Explore the Uses of Mobile Technologies
Chapter 3: Implementation > •Create a Mobile Library Website > •Make
Your OPAC Mobile / •Create Portable Instructional Resources / •Offer
Mobile Library Tours / •Offer Mobile Collections / •Provide SMS
Services in Your Library / •Explore Other Implementation Ideas
Chapter 4: Marketing > •Get the Word Out / •Promote Open Communication
Chapter 5: Best Practices > •Establish Mobile Reference Services /
•Make Your Services Simple
Chapter 6: Measures of Success > •Track Services / •Ask Questions
Conclusion / Bibliography and Recommended Reading / Index
About the Author
Worldwide mobile telephone subscriptions reached 3.3 billion –
equivalent to half the global population. In over 50 countries, cell
phone penetration (the number of cell phones per person) is above
100%. By 2010, 90% of the world’s population will have access to a
cell phone signal.These statistics are indicative of a major shift in
the way that the world interacts with information, and illustrate the
next real paradigm shift in information gathering, use, and sharing.
As phones become more and more capable, fewer and fewer people find
the need to connect with their infosphere via computer. Instead, the
majority of people use a cell phone as their primary interface for
surfing the web, listening to music, watching television, reading
books, and communicating with friends. The mobile phone has become,
over the last 10 years, one of the major methods by which people
interact with information around the world. Librarians need to be
aware of these changes, peer forward, and prepare for the future of
library mobile interaction.
Mobile Technology and Libraries will help integrate your library into
the mobile revolution, showing you the steps to development a mobile
library website, reach library patrons in a new and exciting way, as
well as use Short Message Services (SMS) communication. The book is
aimed at librarians just beginning to step foot into the mobile
environment, but will include code samples and other technical
information that will assist in more advanced development of mobile
systems. The book will also speak to the various functional parts of
the library, demonstrating places in public services that mobile
technology is applicable, as well as provide the recipe for the
production of services used by information technology librarians. At
the conclusion of this book, you will be able to launch your library
into the mobile realm.
Chapter One begins with an introduction of mobile technology in
libraries and a discussion on what mobile technology is and why it is
important to libraries. Chapter Two discusses the topic of planning,
including learning the major and minor platforms, cell phone types,
and other mobile related services. Chapter Three covers how to
implement a mobile technology plan, including what to know about
mobile services, why your library should go mobile along with tips for
getting buy-in. Chapter Four covers mobile services marketing
techniques. Chapter Five covers general best practices, while Chapter
Six covers measuring the success of your library’s mobile services and
how to build off one success and into another.
Mobile Technology in Libraries is designed to help put librarians
ahead of the technology curve and integrate the new mobile movement
into their everyday services.
Links To > Source > TOC-Preface > Review Available At
[ http://tinyurl.com/yctn9vh ]
Gerry McKiernan
Associate Professor
Science and Technology Librarian
Iowa State University Library
Ames IA 50011
Follow Me On Twitter > http://twitter.com/GMcKBlogs
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