[Sig-bwp] Survey Of Potential Attendees At The Future Of Research/Scholarship Presentation(s) || Ireland

McKiernan, Gerard [LIB] gerrymck at iastate.edu
Sun May 31 13:46:09 EDT 2009



As I've previous posted, In June I Will Give Four (4) Invited Keynote Presentations On The Topic(s) Of Open > Semantic > Social > Mobile In The Context Of Research and Scholarship:


The National Library Of Ireland, Dublin (June 4 / 1:00 PM) 


Lecture : The Paradigms They Are A-Changin': The Future of Research and Scholarship / Thursday / 4 June 2009 / 1.00 PM / Seminar Room / Admission Free / Booking Is Not Required


The National University of Ireland - Galway (June 5 / 1:00 PM)


Library Seminar: The Future Of Research And Scholarship: Open / Semantic / Social / Mobile /Friday / 5 June / 1300 / Library Meeting Room, Basement Level, James Hardiman Library


Note: Sandwiches will be provided, so please contact Aoife Harrington (aoife.harrington at nuigalway.ie or ext. 2593) in advance for catering purposes.


The University College Cork, Cork (June 8 / 9:00 AM) 


Boole Lecture Theatre 2 / Co-Sponsored by Ionad Bairre 


The University of Limerick, Limerick (June 9 / 2:30 PM). 


Symposium: Social Networking Services at Third-Level: Trends and Developments: "The Paradigms They Are A-Changin': The Future of Research and Scholarship (Open / Semantic / Social / Mobile)" / Tuesday / June 9th 2009 / 2.30 pm / Charles Parsons Lecture Theatre / All welcome


Contact Dr. TrĂ­ona Hourigan for further information.Tel: 00 353 (0) 61 234675


If you are interested in information about any / all of these presentations, please contact me at gerrymck at iastate.edu




In order to ascertain the particular interests of potential attendees to my presentation titled "The Paradigms Are A-Changin' > The Future Of Research And Scholarship: Open > Semantic > Social > Mobile" , I would most appreciate your responses to a questionnaire requesting attendee preferences for a particular presentation


Please Note That All Responses Are Confidential And Will Only Be Used To Focus The Topics Of My Presentation.


I created a survey for potential attendees for each of the venues noted above and ask that potential attendees only complete the survey for the individual presentation they expect to attend:


National Library of Ireland, Dublin [ http://tinyurl.com/lemfnl ]


National University of Irealnd, Galway [ http://tinyurl.com/l3vn5y ]


University College Cork [ http://tinyurl.com/m3bbkh ]


University of Limerick [ http://tinyurl.com/kn6kb4 ]


I will customize a prepared general presentation to reflect the specific preferences of probable attendees at a particular venue.


By July 1 2009 I will post the customized presentations as well as a Director's Cut that combines each with additional content.


NOTE: I have also created a survey for probable non-attendees:


[ http://tinyurl.com/n6behd ]


Thanks for your assistance and cooperation.


BTW: My Blog entry includes links to the available institutional announcements as well as the individual surveys at 


[ http://tinyurl.com/pwp8nf  ], 




 Gerry McKiernan

Associate Professor

Science and Technology Librarian

Iowa State University Library

Ames IA 50011


 gerrymck at iastate.edu  


 There is Nothing More Powerful Than An Idea Whose Time Has Come / Victor Hugo 


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