[Sig-bwp] m-Learning EOI en Onda Madrid

gerrymck gerry.mckiernan at gmail.com
Tue Dec 22 15:56:21 EST 2009


IMHO > A Major / Major Mobile Learning Initiative !!!


>>> Google Translation <<<

The integration of mobile devices and free software most innovative
modern trends to meet the training needs of today's society:
creativity, teamwork, lifelong learning and open collaboration.

Within this framework, the m-Learning project EOI bid to experiment
with networking capabilities, ubiquity and multimedia production that
enable the next generation smartphone, on the one hand, and bases its
development on the open source system Android, on the other .

Starting next academic year 2009/2010 EOI [Escuela de Organización
Industrial = School of Industrial Organization] [Madrid / Spain]
students will have a 3G Android mobile phone to tap its potential as a
learning tool and network communication. Thus, both teachers and
students can share educational resources and communicate with each
other anytime, anywhere.

In this sense, the EOI m-Learning project is another step in the
adoption of free software and backing for the social web that the
School of Industrial Organization has achieved in recent months. This
process can be seen both in terms of technological tools (with the
integration of Moodle learning platform and communication 2.0 on
blogs, social networking and multimedia repositories) as well as the
research, with the recent publication of the report The opportunity
for free software: capabilities, law and innovation.

Highlights of m-Learning project EOI

>From a pedagogical point of view:

•Is part of an educational approach to open learning backbone network
throughout the new educational model EOI.
•Is part of the training-skills that are considered essential for
long-life learning and networking within the digital age.
•Promotes learning through networked multimedia production by their
school community, teachers and students (podcasts, videos, blogs,
•Expand access to knowledge beyond time and space classes.
•Strengthens social networks among its members and more meaningful
learning experience.
•It is linked to the EOI Moodle learning platform within a
comprehensive online learning system.
•Explore the educational possibilities of cloud-computing and network
management in integrating the Google Apps application sharing in
collaborative learning methodology.
•It is an action research project on the practice itself as an
educational tool and communication.

>From the technical point of view:

•Supports the Android developer community within the EOI manifest
support for free software and interoperability.
•Connects students and teachers with administrative streamlining (news
flashes, consult calendars, academic information, etc.).
•This blog was created as support for m-Learning project EOI to go
telling the latest news of its development, and collect research
results being generated in international academia.

Links to original source, blog entries, and news coverage are available at

[ http://tinyurl.com/ygq2q56  ]

!!! Thanks To Lara Tíscar / Deputy Dean in the Digital Culture  / EOI
/ For The HeadsUp !!!


>I Am Most Interested In Any / Other Mobile Learning Initiatives In Any/All Academic Contexts >

>  While I Track These From A Variety Of Sources (And Will Blog  Many Of Them Over The Coming Weeks/Months) >

>I Am Most Interested In Learning Of Any/All Which My CyberSpace Colleagues Are Involved (Or Aware)

> Please Do Send Me All Available Details >

>>> !!! Thanks A Million !!!  <<<

Season's Greetings !


Gerry McKiernan
Associate Professor
Science and Technology Librarian
Iowa State University Library
Ames IA 50011

Follow Me On Twitter > http://twitter.com/GMcKBlogs

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