[Sig-bwp] CIL2008 Workshop Survey: Facebook for Libraries & Networks
Gerry Mckiernan
gerrymck at iastate.edu
Tue Jan 8 23:34:51 EST 2008
On April 10 2008, I will give a post-conference workshop on Facebook for Libraries & Networks.
The three-hour workshop will be held the morning after the conclusion of the Computers in Libraries 2008 conference in Arlington VA (April 7-9 2008) [Workshop 19]
[ http://www.infotoday.com/cil2008/postconference.shtml ].
I would greatly appreciate your assistance in identifying the PRIMARY, SECONDARY, and TERTIARY Apps / Features / Functionalities that you believe should be at the core of a Facebook profile and which should be emphasized in my workshop.
In addition, I would greatly appreciate other suggestions relating to any aspect of Facebook and online social networking in general.
If at all possible, I would appreciate AT LEAST FIVE SUGGESTIONS for each question.
BTW: MOST questions require at least one (1) response.
Results from this survey will be used to create a related survey in which individuals will be able to indicate their personal preferences for each of the apps / features / functionalities elicited by this survey. [Stay Tuned]
The current survey is available at
[ http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=GzzcrSr0winGac4lT5gwkQ_3d_3d ]
Please complete this current survey by Friday ***February 1 2008***.
Thanks for your time and assistance.
Gerry McKiernan
Associate Professor
Science and Technology Librarian
Iowa State University Library
Ames IA 50011
gerrymck at iastate.edu
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