[Sig-bwp] Assistant/Associate Professor - SILS - Knowledge Organization

Jeremy Hunsinger jhuns at vt.edu
Tue Oct 17 08:50:39 EDT 2006

Apologies for crossposting.  Below is a position in the department  
where I work, we have several degrees, the MLIS, a certificate in  
Archives and a focused MLIS in Museum Libraries.   We also have in  
development a Center for Cultural Informatics and several exciting  
international collaborations (and we are always looking for more).   
The future looks excellent.
Closing Date:

Position Summary:
This is a full-time, tenure-track faculty position at the assistant/ 
associate professor rank, available Fall 2007.

Job Responsibilities:
- Teach three courses per semester including Knowledge Organization.
- Develop courses and help build programs in area of specialization;  
contribute to curriculum development.
- Conduct research in knowledge organization, publish in peer- 
reviewed journals, and present at professional conferences.
- Serve as an advisor to SILS students.
- Serve on School and Institute committees and participate in  
Institute-wide initiatives; contribute to the life of the school.
- Perform all other related activities as required.

Salary: Commensurate with qualifications and experience.

We require a Ph.D. in library and information science or a related  
field. Applicants must have a specialization in knowledge  
organization defined broadly to include access and retrieval for  
database systems and networks, search engines and digital libraries.  
Demonstrated ability to help build programs and courses in the  
knowledge organization field defined broadly to include areas such as  
cataloging, metadata, indexing, taxonomy and thesauri. Candidates  
should have some college level teaching experience, preferably in an  
LIS graduate program; some professional experience related to  
knowledge organization; and related research and publications. Must  
be active in professional organizations and have excellent  
interpersonal and oral and written communication skills.

To Apply:
Please submit a letter of application, c.v., and the names and  
contact information for three professional references to:

Assistant to the Dean
School of Information and Library Science
Position Code APKO
Pratt Institute
144 West 14th Street
6th Floor
New York, NY 10011
Email: vthomas at pratt.edu
Fax: 212-367-2492

Jeremy Hunsinger
School of Library and Information Science
Pratt Institute
() ascii ribbon campaign - against html mail
/\ - against microsoft attachments

http://www.aoir.org The Association of Internet Researchers
http://www.stswiki.org/ stswiki
http://cfp.learning-inquiry.info/  LI-the journal
http://transdisciplinarystudies.tmttlt.com/  Transdisciplinary  
Studies:the book series

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