[Sig-bwp] Time for ASIST to examine social software?
pulliamb at gmail.com
Sat Oct 15 11:04:49 EDT 2005
Hi Everyone,
We're finally getting closer to AM, and I hope, a discussion of the
direction this proto-SIG might take (official establishment, virtual
SIG, or base for ASIST program planning, etc.) To that end, I would
like to put something to the list for discussion. An idea for an
ASIST level conference on emerging social software came out of the
Executive Board retreat this summer and made its way to my Chapter
(New England). We've done some lengthy pondering and think this is the
type of event that seems well-suited for a SIG-BWP (or whatever name)
to either direct or have significant involvement. This Social
Software summit could perhaps run as a pre-conference meeting leading
into an ASIST conference (like an ICKM) or separate like the IA
Some ideas so far:
Event should be modeled after a typical ASIST conference (invited
keynote speakers, distinct session tracks) with an IA Summit style
twist (birds of feather discussions, networking reception, intensive
poster sessions, time for technology demos, etc.)
Event should be targeted to the LIS community and related fields
(tracks would naturally direct this)
First year would be invited speakers and presenters only
Launch this summit by AM '06
The goals are to develop a summit/symposium that will comprehensively
take the pulse of this emerging field and identify the key players and
thinkers involved with these emerging technologies (again, the tracks
will help shape the answers to these questions).
This is just a summary of some of the prelim research and thinking
done so far. We need more people to help determine if pulling an
event like this together is even feasible. So, let's discuss this as a
group on the list! And of course, if you are indeed a brave soul
interested in joining the "research" team, just ping me
(pulliamb at gmail.com). I look forward this developing discussion as we
head into the AM in Charlotte!!
Beatrice Pulliam
Program Chair & Chair-Elect
ASIST, New England Chapter
pulliamb at gmail.com
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