[Sig-bwp] Greetings to all members from Michael Stephens

Michael Stephens mstephens7 at mac.com
Tue Jul 26 12:03:58 EDT 2005

I'm excited about this list! Blogs and social software are the focus  
of my research at UNT...


Michael Stephens ~ Librarian | Technology Trainer | Writer
Blogs @ http://www.tametheweb.com

Tame the Web: Libraries & Technology: http://www.tametheweb.com/ttwblog

"Learn all the time without even thinking about it. We are born to  
learn, but somewhere along the way many of us pick up the idea that  
we must be taught in order to learn. We think that if someone doesn't  
stand up in front of us and talk to us with either a chalkboard or  
PowerPoint slides, we cannot learn. We must regain our sense of  
wonder and our desire to learn."
Roy Tennant, "Strategies for Keeping Current," Library Journal,  
9/15/2003, p. 28.

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