[Pasig-discuss] Call for Software Preservation Project Proposals // DUE Jan. 12

Zach Vowell zvowell at calpoly.edu
Tue Nov 28 18:22:24 EST 2017

The Fostering a Community of Practice: Software Preservation and Emulation Experts in Libraries and Archives (FCoP) [IMLS grant RE-95-17-0058-17] project is Calling for Project Proposals that empower librarians, archivists, and curators to address the key challenges to providing long-term access to software-dependent cultural heritage. Projects undertaken by the selected proposals will advance digital preservation practice by advancing field-wide understanding of software preservation in a variety of organizational contexts. The activities and documentation produced by FCoP cohort members will complement parallel efforts to bring software preservation and access into mainstream digital preservation practice (addressing specific legal, metadata and technical preservation and access challenges).

>From November 28, 2017 to January 12th, 2018, the FCoP Project Staff for the Fostering Communities of Practice project<http://www.softwarepreservationnetwork.org/fcop/> will be accepting applications for projects during the Summer 2018-Summer 2019 term.

Project proposals should be initiated by cultural heritage organizations that are currently working to preserve and provide access to digital content. The FCoP Project Team is particularly interested in project proposals from Historically Black Colleges & Universities Library Alliance (HBCU) and Association for Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies (ASCLA) member organizations. However project proposals from all other cultural heritage institutions are welcome.

Participation in the FCoP cohort includes:

  *   $5,000 financial award to be used for travel and registration costs for conferences and workshops where cohort members will present, facilitate discussion and actively solicit interest from fellow librarians, archivists, and museum conservators and curators
  *   Community fellowship, sharing and information exchange with members of the FCoP cohort
  *   Access to and technical support for a web-based emulation sandbox which requires no local installation
  *   Formal support for problem-based learning and research on the challenges to implementing software preservation and emulation in their local organization
  *   Access to and support for communication tools for the duration of the project in order to encourage the cohort to communicate with one another outside of structured or facilitated interaction
  *   Support from a caring and deeply invested FCoP Project Staff that want to ensure that these projects are meaningful for participating individuals and organizations
  *   Crucial contribution to broader national and international software preservation efforts and access strategies, including the Software Preservation Network.

All project proposals must include:

  *   2 Letters of Commitment
  *   Statement of Interest
  *   Identification of Project Team
  *   Resumes/CVs from the Applicant Project Team
  *   Project Summary

For more details and application instructions, check out the project website: http://www.softwarepreservationnetwork.org/fcop/

Think you might want to submit a software preservation and access project proposal but have questions? We encourage your participation in the FCoP Software Preservation Open Forum!

  *   WHAT: FCoP Software Preservation Open Forum will include:
     *   Brief overview of the FCoP project
     *   15 minute presentation on Emulation as a Service from Klaus Reichert (University of Frieburg, OpenSLX)
     *   15 minute presentation on software preservation workflows from Tim Walsh (Canadian Centre for Architecture)
     *   Open question and answer session for attendees
  *   WHEN: FCoP Software Preservation Open Forum will be held:
     *   Tuesday, December 12th, 2017
     *   9am PT/11am CT/12pm ET
     *   Sign up for a calendar reminder here: https://goo.gl/4KTkRC
  *   WHERE: FCoP Software Preservation Open Forum will be hosted in Zoom, see call-in instructions below:
     *   Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/946742570
     *   Or Telephone:  US: +1 646 558 8656  or +1 669 900 6833
     *   Meeting ID: 946 742 570
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