[Pasig-discuss] NEWS RELEASE: Fedora 4.0 Beta is Now Available!

Carol Minton Morris cmmorris at fedora-commons.org
Fri Jun 6 10:55:32 EDT 2014


June 6, 2014
Contact: David Wilcox <dwilcox at duraspace.org>
Read it online: http://bit.ly/1kHhegM

*Fedora 4.0 Beta is Now Available!*

Fedora 4.0 is ready for the big repository challenges: support for large
files; flexible storage options; features to accommodate research data
management; native linked open data capabilities and an improved platform
for developer interaction

Winchester, MA  DuraSpace and the Fedora community of users and developers
are pleased to announce the release of Fedora 4.0 Beta
<https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/FF/Fedora+4.0+Beta+1+Release+Notes> in
conjunction with this year’s Open Repositories <http://or2014.helsinki.fi/>
conference in Helsinki, Finland (June 9-13, 2014). Fedora 4.0 Beta is a
stable platform for testing the full Fedora 4.0 feature set
<https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/FF/Fedora+4.0+Feature+Set>, which will
not change between the Beta and the full production release planned for
later this year. Further releases in the Fedora 4.x line will add more
exciting new features based on the project roadmap
<https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/FF/Roadmap>.  This release, managed by
Michael Durbin at the University of Virginia, is the result of a focused
and highly collaborative 2-year community effort to make long overdue
changes to the robust Fedora framework for building digital repositories.
Fedora 4.0 is designed to serve the community for the next decade.

Download Fedora 4.0 Beta here.

Members of the Fedora community, stewarded by DuraSpace, led planning and
development in order to arrive at the launch of Fedora 4.0 after 29 rapid
prototyping Alpha <https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/FF/Alpha+Development>
and Beta <https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/FF/Beta+Sprint+Schedule>
development “sprints”. Each sprint was designed to address the top
priorities expressed by the international community that include better
performance and scalability, flexible storage options, features to
accommodate research data management, native support for linked open data,
and an improved platform for developers.

Fedora 4.0 at Open Repositories Those attending this year’s Open
Repositories conference will have several opportunities to learn more about
Fedora 4 and engage with the development team. Andrew Woods, the Fedora
Tech Lead, will be hosting an open Fedora committers meeting
on June 9. Current Fedora developers as well as those interested in
engaging with project development are encouraged to attend. Following the
DuraSpace plenary on June 12, the Fedora Steering Group will host an open
discussion session to kick off the Fedora interest group track. On June 13,
David Wilcox, the Fedora Product Manager, and Andrew Woods will offer a deep
dive into Fedora 4 features
and discuss the roadmap for future releases. A full schedule of all
Fedora-related sessions is available online
or stop by the DuraSpace table at Open Repositories to find out more about
Fedora 4.0.

How Does DuraSpace Help?

DuraSpace works collaboratively with organizations that use Fedora to
advance the design, development and sustainability of the project. As a
non-profit, DuraSpace provides business support services that include
technical leadership, sustainability planning, fundraising, community
development, marketing and communications, collaborations and strategic
partnerships and administration.

About Fedora

Fedora is an open source project that provides flexible, extensible and
durable digital object management services. First released in 2004, it has
hundreds of adopters worldwide, with deep roots in the research,
scientific, intellectual and cultural heritage communities. See
http://fedora-commons.org/ for more information. It is supported by its
community of users, and stewarded by DuraSpace.

Carol Minton Morris
Director of Marketing and Communications
cmmorris at DuraSpace.org
Skype: carolmintonmorris
607 592-3135
Twitter at DuraSpace <http://twitter.com/duraspace>
Twitter at DuraCloud <http://twitter.com/duracloud>
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