[Neasis-l] Message sent on behalf of Dean Eileen Abels: Simmons SLIS Core Skills Survey

Rong Tang rong.tang at simmons.edu
Mon Apr 3 09:12:52 EDT 2017

Dear All,

The Simmons College School of Library and Information Science is conducting
a brief survey intended to identify core skills and knowledge areas for the
MS(LIS) program.  We are interested in which skills and knowledge areas you
perceive to be most needed in the field now, and in the near future.  Your
responses will help as as we review and continue to revise and improve our
curriculum to ensure our graduates are well prepared for the job market.

Your responses are important. The survey should take about 5 minutes to
complete.  Please access the survey
<https://simmons.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eWoMCdbg36hA12l>and respond
by Monday *April 17th*.


**Please note that this survey is being sent to several listservs. Please
excuse cross-posting, and please only respond once.

Thank you for your participation,
Eileen Abels

Rong Tang, PhD.
Associate Professor
School of Library and Information Science
Director, Simmons Usability Lab
Director, SLIS PhD Program
Simmons College

Director for External Relations, Association for Library and Information
Science Education
rong.tang at simmons.edu
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