[Neasis-l] New England Library Instruction Group Fall 2010 Event

Kieran Ayton kayton at bryant.edu
Fri Jul 23 10:42:23 EDT 2010

Greetings NELIG Members and Friends!
Sara Marks and Kieran Ayton, the New England Library Instruction Group (NELIG) co-chairs, would like to welcome you to a new year of NELIG programs!

NELIG provides various meetings and an annual program for academic librarians within the New England region.  These are designed to showcase the innovations, talents, and the lessons learned by librarians in New England and to discuss national trends in library instruction. We welcome your ideas, input, and participation.

NELIG 2010 Fall Meeting (10/22/2010) 
9:30am - 11am 
Mary McDonald's much anticipated "Finding the Right Information Literacy Fit for Your Institution: It's All in the Design" 
11am - 12pm
A discussion about the ACRL Immersion Program (meeting will be followed by the NELIG Annual Program Planning meeting, so if you are interested in being on the program planning group plan to stay until 1:15pm)
Papitto Room in Bryant Center Building
Bryant University
1150 Douglas Pike
Smithfield, RI 02917
Register @ http://nelig.eventbrite.com/
Bryant University Directions & Maps: http://www.bryant.edu/wps/wcm/connect/Bryant/About%20Bryant/Directions

NOTE: ACRL Immersion Alumni: Please let Sara or Kieran know if you would like to share your experiences in the program (either track).  You will have about 5 minutes to share how the program impacted you. 

Save these Dates:
1. Winter meeting: December 2010 (Tentative date as we hope to have multiple locations around New England, let us know if you can host a meeting of ~20-30 people)

2. Spring Meeting: April 2011 (tentative date & location TBA)

3. NELIG Annual Program: June 3, 2011 (tentative date & location TBA)

Become a member of our NELIG Facebook Group at
Post to our wall, suggest events, add photos or videos!

Check our web site for more information on upcoming programs (we plan to get the NELIG site updated soon with our upcoming events): http://www.acrlnec.org/sigs/nelig/  

We look forward to meeting you all!

Sara Marks
Instruction and Outreach Librarian
UMass Lowell
sara_marks at uml.edu

Kieran Ayton 
Reference Librarian
Bryant University Library
kayton at bryant.edu
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