[Neasis-l] Register now for SLA/Boston Chapter - Great Gadgets in Libraries (10/27 and 11/3)
Burke, Anna
aburke1 at babson.edu
Thu Oct 6 15:27:40 EDT 2005
Western Region and New Professionals Committee present:
Great Gadgets in Libraries: Keeping up with current technology
When & Where - There are two opportunities to attend this event:
Holy Cross College, Worcester, MA
Thursday, October 27, 2005, 1:00-4:00 pm
Faculty Room, Dinand Library
The Conference Center at Harvard Medical, Boston, MA
Thursday, November 3, 2005, 1:00-4:00pm
77 Avenue Louis Pasteur, Boston, MA
Room 214
Are they gadgets or toys? Or are they useful tools for information
management and knowledge sharing? Come to hear and see what is
happening with gadgets in the information world. This talk is for anyone
with an interest in new technologies, especially portable or wireless
ones, which have uses in libraries today or will have in the future.
Hope Tillman, Director, Libraries, Horn Library, Babson College
As an early adopter of the Internet as well as lots of gadgets, Tillman
speaks from a wealth of experience. Her practical thoughts and ideas
provide a solid place for you to look at new technologies that can be
applied to your environment or that your customers and users are already
using or experimenting with.
Please note that we will be starting the program promptly at 1pm.
12:45-1:00pm Registration
1:00-2:30pm What are gadgets and why are they important to
What types of gadgets should we be watching and why?
How are libraries using gadgets?
2:30pm-3:00pm Break for refreshments and networking
3:00pm-4:00pm How are libraries using gadgets (cont)?
What's next?
Registration: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.asp?u=749581365714
Members: $25
Non-members: $35
SLA Student members/retired/between jobs: $15
SPECIAL: Bring a new member and receive a coupon for up to $25 towards
any upcoming SLA-BOS event!
Payment is either via PayPal or check and should be completed by
Worcester program: Friday October 21
Boston program: Friday, October 28
Walk-ins are welcome but space may be limited so please register or let
us know you will be coming:
Worcester program, email dorothy.barr at umassmed.edu
Boston program, email kathleen.berger at simmons.edu
If paying by PayPal, please make sure both the registration form and the
PayPal form are complete.
If writing a check please register online and make check payable to:
Boston Chapter/SLA. Please consider using PayPal for your payment.
Checks can be mailed to:
Worcester program: Dorothy Barr, 7 Brookdale Street, Apt. 1,
Worcester, MA 01604
Boston program: Kathleen Berger, 7 Lambert Road, Belmont, MA 02478
Holy Cross
Directions to Holy Cross:
The workshop will be in the Faculty Room on the second floor of the
Dinand Library, the main library on campus. As in the directions above,
enter the campus through Gate 7 and park in the Hogan Campus Center
parking lot. From there, proceed down the staircase to the right of the
Hogan Center. At the bottom of the stairs, cross the street and head
left to the library, a large brick building. See the campus map
If you would like to come a bit early, you can enjoy lunch at the
Crossroads, the pub in the basement of the Hogan Center. If you indicate
on your registration that you will be coming for lunch, we may be able
to have a table or two held. The Crossroads has rather fine luncheon
fare, with a variety of hot meals, sandwiches, grilled items, sushi,
soup and salads. After lunch, exit downhill to the convenient side
entrance of the Library.
The Conference Center at Harvard Medical
Directions: http://www.theconfcenter.hms.harvard.edu/directions/
Parking: http://www.theconfcenter.hms.harvard.edu/parking/
Floor plan of the second floor to find room 214:
Anna Burke, aburke1 at babson.edu or 781-239-6407
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