[Neasis-l] Fwd: ACRL/NEC program announcement

Margret Branschofsky margretb at MIT.EDU
Fri May 6 10:58:19 EDT 2005

Again, I'm sending this announcement to Neasis-l as part of a cooperative 
program among New England organizations to publicize each other's events.

Margret Branschofsky

>This message is being cross posted to several lists- apologies for the
>Please join us for a joint program from the ACRL/NEC Serials Librarian
>Interest Group and the Information Technology Interest Group:
>"Here Today; Here Tomorrow?: Journal Archiving in the Electronic
>Thursday, June 2, 2005
>9:00 am-1:00 pm (registration, coffee and pastry from 8:30 am-9:00 am)
>Gutman Library Conference Center
>Harvard University
>6 Appian Way
>Cambridge, MA  02138
>As more journals become published electronically, critical questions
>concerning accessibility, property rights of journal publishers and
>authors and devices to store these resources are being addressed by
>academic library partnerships, vendors, and even the federal government.
>Please join us for this program that will feature presentations by the
>major players in this burgeoning area:
>Victoria Reich, Director and co-founder of the LOCKSS (Lots of Copies
>Keep Stuff Safe) Program
>David Bretthauer, Network Services Librarian at University of
>Connecticut Libraries
>Donna Berryman, Outreach Coordinator for the New England Region (NER) of
>the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM)
>Michael Spinella, Executive Director, JSTOR
>Eileen Fenton, Porticos Executive Director, JSTOR
>The cost of this program is $20.
>The complete program agenda, registration form, directions and parking
>information can be found at the ACRL/NEC Serials Librarians Interest
>Group Web Site:
>We are grateful to EBSCO Subscription Services for providing coffee and
>pastry for this event.
>Planning Committee Members: For the Information Technology Interest
>Group: Melissa Behney, Chair, Connecticut College, Frances Schlesinger,
>University of Massachusetts at Boston, Nancy George, Salem State
>College.  For the Serials Librarians Interest Group</b>: Patricia Hatch,
>Harvard University Library Office for Information Systems, Joanne
>Doucette, Massachusetts College of  Pharmacy and Allied Sciences, Scott
>Carlisle, Boston College School of Social Work, Anne Meringolo, Simmons
>Please send any questions to Patty Hatch at hulmail.harvard.edu or
>Melissa Behney at mabeh at conncoll.edu.
>We hope you will join us for this unique program!
>Patty Hatch and Melissa Behney
>ACRL/NEC Serials Interest Group and Information Technology Interest
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