[MNASIS-L] Afloat in the Wireless Pond: Minnesotans reflect on living in digital days

Janet Arth arth at tc.umn.edu
Thu Feb 7 09:59:45 EST 2008


“Afloat in the wireless pond” is the whimsical 
theme of a unique conference set for Saturday, 
March 1, in St. Paul.  Strategically scheduled 
just after 2008’s Leap Day, the conference offers 
a constructive use for that extra time, a 
convenient venue and an invitation to Minnesotans 
to spend some serious time reflecting on “living in digital days.”

Funded in part by the Minnesota Sesquicentennial 
Commission the conference recognizes the social 
and economic challenges posed by the 
Internet.  Focus of the day is on the power of 
technology to expand access to the stories, the 
people, the changes in the land, and the prospect 
of enhancing Minnesotans’ participation in the 
decision-making process.  Open discussions will 
range from transparency in government to 
information literacy, the right to 
know,  privacy,  the balance of individual rights 
and the public good facing Minnesota’s legislators, regulators and voters.

Keynote speaker for the day is Kenneth Brusic, 
journalist and editor of the Orange County (CA) 
Register.  Brusic represents an industry 
struggling with technology in a very public 
way.  Laura Waterman Wittstock, CEO of Wittstock 
and Associates, will remind attendees of the 
Indian legend of the seven generations that live in everyone.

The day includes personal reflections of the 
theme from the perspective of a poet, a teacher, 
an historian and others.  Creative individuals 
who have used technology to expand access and 
participation will demonstrate the Minnesota 
Digital Library, the Broadway Alive! Project in 
Minneapolis, and the synergy of geography and 
history.  Student participants in History Day 
will describe how they have delved into Minnesota 
archives and public records to uncover and share unique stories.

“Afloat in the Wireless Pond” is Saturday, March 
1, 9:00-4:00 in Northwestern Hall, Luther 
(http://www.luthersem.edu/campus/maps.asp), Como 
and Hendon in St. Paul.  $20 to cover lunch, 
treats and materials is payable at the 
door.  Sponsors are the <http://www.mncogi.org/> 
Minnesota Coalition on Government Information and 
the <http://www.mnindependentscholars.org/> 
Minnesota Independent Scholars’ Forum.   Space is 
limited ­ reservations encouraged to 
<mailto:mncogi at gmail.com> mncogi at gmail.com. 
Details on the web at www.mncogi.org.

For additional information contact:
   Lucy Brusic ­ lucy at brusic.net or 612 860 2495
   Mary Treacy ­ mtreacy at onvoymail.com
    or mncogi at gmail.com 

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