[MNASIS-L] Student Scholarships for 2007 ASIS&T Annual Meeting

Janet Arth arth at tc.umn.edu
Wed Apr 4 11:30:30 EDT 2007

... Calling All Student Members (and potential student members) ...
May 30 application deadline ...  Second Announcement (I will resend 
one more time in early May)

The Minnesota Chapter of the American Society of Information Science 
& Technology will provide up to three scholarships to student members 
of the Minnesota Chapter to cover a portion of the cost to attend the 
ASIS&T Annual Meeting in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, October 18-25, 
2007.  Given the midwest location of the conference, and thus lower 
travel costs, we feel we are able to encourage participation and 
attendance by at least a couple of student members.

For the winners the Minnesota Chapter will:
1) pay the student registration fee for full conference attendance 
(which was $180 in 2006)
2) give the student $400 towards the cost of attending the conference

   Student chapter members of the Minnesota Chapter of the American 
Society for Information Science & Technology at the time of 
application and the time of the Annual Meeting meeting.

1) Compose a brief essay (not to exceed 500 words) that addresses the 
   What do you see as the major themes of interest in your student 
community?  What ideas do you have about how the Minnesota Chapter 
can entice and engage local LIS/IS students to join and participate 
in ASIS&T activities, local and national?  Local LIS/IS students 
include those at St. Kate's and in the various distant programs 
around the country.

2) Provide the following information (a form for this information 
will be available on the chapter website or by request by March 1, 2007):
   Name, Address, email, college of enrollment, ASIS&T member number
   Title of paper/poster/panel at the Annual Meeting, if applicable

1) Evaluation of the brief essay
2) Presentation of a paper or poster, or participation in a panel at 
the Annual Meeting.

Priority will be given to those who are presenting and who provide a 
"winning" essay, however, one does not have to present in order to be 
eligible to win.

May 30, 2007

June 29, 2007

A chapter member will obtain conference registration information from 
the winners by September 1 (before the early registration period 
ends) and will summit the registration with payment for the winners 
for the full conference at the student member rate.  Winners' $400 
cash awards will be given at a Minnesota gathering at the ASIS&T 
Annual Meeting in Milwaukee.

The call for papers is here:
   The conference theme is:  Joining Research and Practice: Social 
Computing and Information Science

The deadlines for submitting proposals has based, but these were the 
   January 21, 2007 - Proposals due for contributed papers, technical 
sessions and panels, and pre-conference sessions
   February 25, 2007 - Proposals due for contributed posters/short papers

Send applications and inquiries to:
  Janet Arth
  University of Minnesota Libraries
  499 Wilson Library
  309-19th Avenue South
  Minneapolis, MN 55455
  arth at umn.edu

I look forward to hearing from you,
Janet Arth
Minnesota Chapter Award Coordinator and out-going Chapter Treasurer

Information about joining ASIS&T is here:

Janet M. Arth
Systems Librarian/Library Enterprise Operations (LEO)
University Libraries
569 O. Meredith Wilson Library (office location)
499 O. Meredith Wilson Library (mailing address)
309-19th Avenue South
University of Minnesota         phone:  612/624-9860
Minneapolis, MN  55455          email:  arth at umn.edu

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