[MNASIS-L] MN SLA Chapter hosts the March 28th SLA Click U Live!

Janet Arth arth at tc.umn.edu
Mon Mar 20 16:10:42 EST 2006

The Minnesota SLA Chapter will host the March 28th SLA Click U Live!

Communities of Practice - Knowledge at Work!

The Course
With new business rules emerging in the knowledge economy, communities of 
practice are a concrete example of how innovative organizations are putting 
their knowledge to work. Through a meeting of the minds, community members 
are able to pool their expertise, build their information stores, share 
their experience, test new ideas, improve on past processes and procedures, 
and find solutions that contribute to creating a competitive advantage. 
Innovative organizations are implementing community strategies to realize 
business imperatives and increase their capability to out perform.

These age-old forums have the potential to build capacity through learning 
and collaboration if they are:
    * Aligned with organizational imperatives
    * Founded on knowledge and learning principles
    * Leveraged through an explicit community strategy.
In this session, Deb will provide an overview of the community structure 
within the context of building organization and individual capabilities as 
well as explore the role that information professionals can play in 
increasing community value.

Targeted Learners
This presentation is designed for professionals who are interested in 
expanding their knowledge of collaboration, knowledge sharing, and 
capability development. The course materials are intermediate to advanced 
level and require an understanding of basic knowledge and learning principles.

Critical Learning Questions
    * What is a community of practice? How is it different from other 
organizational structures?
    * What potential do communities of practice have for building 
organizational and individual capabilities?
    * What role can information professionals play in leveraging 
communities of practice and increasing their potential value?
Related Reading
"The Learning Engine." Deb Wallace, Information Outlook February 2006.

Deb Wallace, The Kennedy Group

Tuesday, March 28th, 2006

1:00pm - 2:30pm CT  (plan to arrive a few minutes early, as the seminar 
starts promptly at 1pm)

Northwest Area Foundation (located on the 4th floor of the Drake  Building 
- between Robert and Wabasha Streets)
60 Plato Blvd., Suite 400
St.  Paul,  MN   55107

Your Host:  Melissa Yauk  (Thank you, Melissa, for hosting the seminar!)

Directions & Parking

$10 for SLA, ASIST, MALL, MLA, or HSLM members
$15 for non-members
Please make your check payable to  "Minnesota Chapter SLA" and bring it 
with you to the seminar.

How to Register
Send the registration form shown below to Deb Werner, werne061 at umn.edu or 
call Deb at 612-626-6587.
Space is limited, so register early.  Registrations will be handled in the 
order received, and a confirmation message will be sent. [Please note that 
if you register, you are obligated to pay for your seminar attendance, 
whether or not you show up on the 28th.]


March 28th Click U Live Registration Form


Phone number:

SLA/ASIST/MALL/MLA/HSLM member:  yes   no

Do you need a receipt:  yes   no


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