[MNASIS-L] MN SLA Chapter hosts webinar: The impact of intellectual property on digitization projects, part 2

Janet Arth arth at tc.umn.edu
Fri Apr 14 08:54:03 EDT 2006

The Minnesota SLA Chapter will host the April 26th SLA Click-U-Live 
Webinar:  The Impact of IP on Digitization Projects, part 2:  Managing 
intellectual property issues within the digitization project"

Date:  Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Time:  1:00pm - 2:30pm CT  (plan to arrive a few minutes early, as the 
seminar starts promptly at 1pm)

Northwest Area Foundation (located on the 4th floor of the Drake  Building 
- between Robert and Wabasha Streets)
60 Plato Blvd., Suite 400
St.  Paul,  MN   55107

Your Host:  Melissa Yauk

Directions & Parking

Cost:  $10 for SLA/ASIST/MALL or HSLM members:  $15 for 
non-members  (Please make your check payable to "Minnesota Chapter SLA" and 
bring it with you to the seminar.)

How to register:  Send the registration form shown below to Jim Tchobanoff 
(jtchobanoff at bigfoot.com)  or call Jim at 651 636-3738.  Space is limited, 
so register ASAP.

Registrations will be handled in the order received and a confirmation 
message will be sent.  Please note that if you register, you are obligated 
pay for your seminar attendance, whether or not you show up on the 26th.


April 26th Virtual Seminar Registration Form:


Phone number:

SLA/ASIST/MALL/HSLM member:  yes  no

Do you need a receipt:  yes  no


Thanks to Melissa Yauk for hosting the seminar.

Any questions, call Jim at 651 636-3738 or send an email to 
jtchobanoff at bigfoot.com

Jim Tchobanoff

Seminar information follows:


The Impact of IP on Digitization Projects
Part II - Managing Intellectual Property Issues Within the Digitization Project
26 April 2006
1:00-2:30 p.m. CT

Presented by 
Jill Hurst-Wahl, Hurst Associates Ltd.
K. Matthew Dames, Seso Group LLC

The Course

Digitization is much more than converting a physical or analog object into 
its digital equivalent: it is about efficiently repurposing crucial 
information resources to improve an organization's retention and use of 
business intelligence. Yet most digitization projects are doomed from the 
start because the focus is on the conversion process instead of other, 
important issues.

One of the most critical issues in any digitization project is the affect 
of copyright and other intellectual property concerns. In this two-part 
Click U Live! seminar series, a pair of digitization project management 
experts will identify and discuss the critical intellectual property issues 
that arise in any digitization project, illustrate how such issues affect 
everything from selection to integration, and help participants develop a 
reliable system that helps them identify and move toward resolving the IP 
issues in their own digitization projects.

Part II - Managing Intellectual Property Issues Within the Digitization Project

This second session builds on the basics learned in the first session and 
analyzes how different areas of intellectual property will affect different 
phases of the project plan, including:
    * What "intellectual property" really means (including an introduction 
to the IP landscape);
    * Identifying the copyright issues inherent in digitization projects 
(including the public domain, the library and archival limitations, and 
fair use);
    * Why licensing agreements and subscriptions may curb your digitization 
    * Why confidential and proprietary information must be handled 
differently; and
    * An update on the IP issues in Google Print's Library Project.

Targeted Learners
    * Managers who are considering a digitization project or program.
    * Managers whose digitization program has gone awry.
    * Executives or managers who are funding, or may fund, a digitization 
project or program.
    * Scanning and re-purposing professionals who know little about project 

Critical Learning Questions
    * What is the difference between a scanning project, digitization 
project and digitization program?
    * What questions need to be answered before beginning a digitization 
    * Why is program management more important than scanning?
    * What intellectual property issues can halt your digitization project 
before it begins?
    * What questions do you need to ask vendors when starting a 
digitization program?

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