[MNASIS-L] Minnesota SLA Spring CE - Blogs & RSS

arth arth at umn.edu
Wed Mar 16 11:35:23 EST 2005

8 million U.S. Internet users have created blogs, but some 60% of U.S.
Internet users still can't define the term "blog." - Techweb News 1.4.05

Merriam-Webster announced that the word "blog" is the most-requested
definition by users of their online dictionary. - Newsfactor.com 12.2.04

A new weblog is created every 5.8 seconds, reports Pew Internet &
American Life. That's roughly 15,000 new blogs every day. - ClickZ.com

The average knowledge worker receives about 81 legitimate emails daily
and sends 29. - Radicati Group, Entrepreneur 4.04

What are you doing to help your users utilize new ways of receiving

The MN Chapter of SLA is pleased to present the 2005 continuing
education program,

  Blogs and RSS: An Introduction for Information Professionals.

Our speaker will be Jenny Levine, Internet Development Specialist at the
Suburban Library System in Burr Ridge, IL. Also known as The Shifted
Librarian, Jenny writes her own weblog - check it out at
www.theshiftedlibrarian.com. Jenny earned her MLS from the University of
Illinois, Urbana-Champaign in 1992 and from there has been a leader in
the field in bringing technology into libraries. She has spoken all over
the country (including at conferences such as Internet Librarian,
Computers in Libraries and the SLA Annual Conference) about changing
technology and the concept of "Information Shifting" - how the change
from pursuing information to receiving information is and will be
affecting libraries.

We are very pleased to have her join us and hope you will come with your
curiosity and questions to learn about Blogs, RSS and what you can be
doing to educate and facilitate new technologies for your users.

Many thanks to THOMSON WEST for generously sponsoring our program.

 Thursday, April 14, 2005
 1:30pm - 4:30pm

 Thomson West 
 610 Opperman Drive
 Eagan, MN


 >From St. Paul
35E South to Yankee Doodle Road
Left(East) on Yankee Doodle Road
2 miles to Highway 149
Right(South) on Highway 149
3/4 mile to Opperman Drive
Right on Opperman Drive

 >From Minneapolis
35W South to 494 East
494 East to 35E South
35E South to Yankee Doodle Road
Left(East) on Yankee Doodle Road
2 miles to Highway 149
3/4 mile to Opperman Drive
Right on Opperman Drive

  $45.00 / $25.00 for students and unemployed

Please send registration information and fee (checks payable to MN
Chapter SLA) to:

Barb Weldon
10506 Aquila Circle
Bloomington, MN 55438 

Name: ____________________________________________


Phone: ___________________________________________

Circle one: Regular Fee $45 / Student or Unemployed $25

Receipt needed:            yes_____          no______

Registration due on or before Friday, April 8.

Questions? Contact Deb Rash, 612-334-6118, drash at clynch.com or Renee
Weddle, 952-742-0195, Renee_Weddle at cargill.com.

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