[MNASIS-L] Call for Posters on Instruction-Related Topics - 5/24 Symposium in Minneapolis

Julia Kelly jkelly at tc.umn.edu
Wed Feb 25 21:49:45 EST 2004

Call for Posters on Instruction-Related Topics

Do you have an innovative instruction-related service, project  or research 
results that  you would like to share with your colleagues?  The planning 
committee for the 2004 U of Minnesota  Reference/MINITEX symposium,  "Teach 
It - Will They Learn?" to  be held on May 24, 2004, at the Radisson 
Metrodome , would like to hear from you!!

Posters should be available for viewing during the post-lunch time, 
12:30-1:15  pm. You will be asked to give a short summary of your poster 
during our "Five Minutes of Fame" session. It is encouraged that you set up 
your posters in the morning so that they are available for viewing 
throughout the day.

If you have an interesting project, successful strategy, or research report 
that you would like to share with your colleagues, please tell us about it. 
Info to include:

Your name(s)
Your contact info
Project title
Short description

Send your info to Kay Kane, U of M Libraries, k-kane at umn.edu by Friday, 
March 27. Questions may be directed to Kay or Julie Kelly, jkelly at umn.edu

The symposium will be held at the Radisson Metrodome in Minneapolis. Cerise 
Oberman is the keynote speaker, and breakout session topics include 
assessment, creativity in teaching,  effective discussions, and marketing 
liaison programs. Registration materials will be available in March.

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