FW: [MNASIS-L] April 7 Internet Fears Reminder

Ann Treacy atreacy at treacyinfo.com
Wed Apr 7 10:48:17 EDT 2004

Hi folks!


A reminder for those who have RSVP'ed for tonight's meeting and an
invitation extension for those who were thinking about attending.


The library tour will start at 5:30 - can I ask folks to meet in Room 355 of
the Coeur de Catherine and then we can walk down to the library? That way I
can set up while I wait for both groups.


The regular session will start at 6:00. 


Thanks!    Ann


Ann Treacy
Treacy Information Services
1841 Fairmount Ave
St Paul MN 55105
atreacy at treacyinfo.com 

-----Original Message-----
From: mnasis-l-admin at asis.org [mailto:mnasis-l-admin at asis.org] On Behalf Of
Ann Treacy
Sent: Saturday, April 03, 2004 1:17 PM
To: mnasis-l at asis.org
Subject: [MNASIS-L] April 7 Internet Fears Reminder


Hi folks!


I just wanted to send a reminder about Wednesday's meeting and let folks
know that we now have 2 MLIS classes that will be joining us. This is a
great opportunity to meet the students and tell them about ASIST and ASIST
members. I hope lots of folks will be able to join us. Here are the details:


Internet Fears - Rational and Irrational 

Q & A format with at least one tech guru at our disposal

Wednesday April 7 6:00-8:00 pm

at the College of St Catherine (Room 355 in the Coeur de Catherine)

St Kate's has offered to give a tour of the new library (it's snazzy) at
5:30 for those who are interested. Please let me know if you are. 

We'll have cookies & fruit or treats along those lines. There is a cafeteria
in the building for those who want to get dinner.


Please feel free to contact me (email is best) to RSVP or with questions.


Thanks!    Ann



Ann Treacy
Treacy Information Services
1841 Fairmount Ave
St Paul MN 55105
atreacy at treacyinfo.com 


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