[Lacasis-l] Today! LACASIS&T and SJSU ASIS&T Student Chapter Present a Night at the Museum with Richard Hulser, 04/17/12, 6-7pm (PST)

Sarah Buchanan sarahab at ucla.edu
Tue Apr 17 11:41:02 EDT 2012

Join LACASIST today at 6:00PM PST!


[image: Inline image 1]          [image: Inline image 2]

*LACASIS&T and SJSU ASIS&T Student Chapter Present a Night at the Museum
with Richard Hulser*
*April 17, 2012  6:00-7:00pm (PST)*

*Speaker:* Richard P. Hulser
*Topic:* NHM Library Next:  Warp Speed to the Cloud?

The Los Angeles Chapter of ASIS&T and the SJSU ASIS&T Student Chapter
cordially invite you to a presentation by Richard P. Hulser, Chief
Librarian of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. Mr. Hulser
has 30 years of international experience working in and with a variety of
library and cultural institutions to enhance their use of technology for
information management. Mr. Hulser's previous positions have been in
corporate and academic libraries as well as information services companies.
Mr. Hulser is an SIIA Certified Contents Rights Manager, a Fellow of SLA
and currently chair of the SLA Museums, Arts and Humanities Division. He
has held a variety of other elected and appointed positions in SLA and is a
member of ASIS&T and ALA.

Mr. Hulser holds an ALA accredited M.A. in librarianship and information
management from the University of Denver; a M.Ed. in instructional media
and instructional product development from Utah State University; and a
.B.S. in earth & space sciences from Stony Brook University. Further
information is listed on LinkedIn and in his blog found at

Mr. Hulser’s presentation will provide a description of a special library
in a museum including updating of services from a totally manual operation
to one incorporating electronic tools in addition to maintaining an
extensive print collection.

*Blackboard Collaborate Session Details:*
Starts: April 17, 2012 6:00 PM (PST)
Ends: April 17, 2012 7:00 PM (PST)
The presentation will be recorded.

*Participants Link: *
(Participants should log in with their first and last names – no password

*Recordings Link:*
(Recording Link Table - A formatted table with links to all recordings made
in this session.)

It is recommended that you arrive at least 5-10 minutes early to set your
optimal audio preferences by running the Audio Setup Wizard (Tools > Audio
> Audio Setup Wizard). You may also access the audio setup through the
microphone icon next to participant information.

Questions: Please contact Sarah Emmerson, Chair, SJSU ASIS&T Student
Chapterat sjsuasist at gmail.com or Sarah Buchanan, Chair, LACASIS&T, at
sarahab at ucla.edu.

[image: Inline image 3]     *More Information on SJSU ASIS&T Student
* *
*SJSU-ASIS&T Student Chapter website:  http://slisgroups.sjsu.edu/asistsc/*
* *
*SJSU-ASIS&T Student Chapter Facebook page:
* *
*SJSU-ASIS&T Student Chapter Listserv (All are welcome to subscribe to the
listserv; you need not be a member to participate!):
* *
*SJSU-ASIS&T Student Chapter Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/sjsuasist*
* *
*SJSU-ASIS&T Student Chapter LinkedIn:
* *
*More Information on LACASIS&T:*
* *
*LAC ASIS&T Website: http://lacasist.org/*
*LAC ASIS&T Facebook group:
*LAC ASIS&T Listserv: http://mail.asis.org/mailman/listinfo/lacasis-l*
*LAC ASIS&T Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/lacasist*

Diane Grevalsky
Communications Officer, San Jose ASIS&T Student
*JoinNow! <http://slisgroups.sjsu.edu/asistsc/?page_id=43>
*Communications Officer, ASIS&T SIG III <http://www.asis.org/SIG/SIGIII/>
SJSU - ASIS&T Student Chapter Listserv -* Join the
MLIS Candidate 2012, San Jose State University <http://slisweb.sjsu.edu/>
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/dianegrevalsky

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