[Lacasis-l] FW: Call for Virtual Posters-- MLGSCA Symposium, Spring 2012
Wallace, Amy
Amy.Wallace at csuci.edu
Mon Dec 12 12:50:49 EST 2011
From: Amy Chatfield [mailto:amychatf at belen.usc.edu]
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 9:26 AM
To: Wallace, Amy
Subject: Call for Virtual Posters-- MLGSCA Symposium, Spring 2012
Dear Amy,
I am the chair of the Virtual Poster Committee for the Medical Library Group of Southern California and Arizona (MLGSCA) spring 2012 symposium focusing on evidence-based practice.
We would like to invite the LACASIST chapter members to submit virtual posters to be displayed at this event and online. The call for posters is below-- can you share with your chapter? Thank you!
Amy Chatfield
Amy J. Chatfield, MLS
Norris Medical Library
amy.chatfield at usc.edu<mailto:amy.chatfield at usc.edu>
P: 323.442.1128
>>> Call for Posters<<<<
The Medical Library Group of Southern California and Arizona (MLGSCA) is soliciting submissions for a contributed poster session at the 2012 Symposium, “Information Treasure Hunt: Supporting Evidence-Based Practice @ Your Institution.”
Posters will be presented virtually as the Symposium will be a full day. You do not need to attend the Symposium in order to present a poster.
We strongly encourage you to share your efforts with colleagues and gain peer recognition for your work. The virtual poster session is perfect for presenting a small, completed project or the early stages of a larger project.
What Topics or Themes Will Be Considered?
Preference will be given to submissions that describe ways that directly impact the advancement of librarians in practical and innovative ways. Posters may highlight any aspect of libraries or librarianship relating to evidence-based practice. Some possible themes include:
• The role of librarians/libraries in supporting evidence-based practice.
• The role of librarians in designing, providing, and assessing instruction on evidence-based practice for health care students and/or professionals.
• The role of librarians in study design and research, such as participating in literature reviews for systematic reviews or other publications, or other tasks involving information use.
• The role of librarians/libraries in obtaining Magnet status.
• The role of librarians in aiding clinicians, departments, or groups to integrate research results into practice.
• Integration of evidence-based practice and research into an electronic medical record.
• Other topics relating to evidence-based practice.
How do Virtual Posters Work?
The posters will be displayed on large wall screens at the symposium during registration and breaks. After the symposium the posters will be online on the MLGSCA Link blog (http://www.mlgsca.mlanet.org/newsletter/). Authors will be asked to respond to blog comments on their poster for the three weeks following the symposium.
Authors will create their poster on one PowerPoint slide. The Committee will provide instructions on poster creation and technical assistance with using PowerPoint to create a poster for all accepted authors.
All submissions will be blinded and reviewed. We will accept submissions which have been presented elsewhere, if the authors have retained the rights to display the poster in other venues.
How to Submit
Submit an abstract of no more than 300 words describing the poster by 5 PM on January 16th, 2012. Please list all presenters and institutional affiliations. You will be notified of acceptance on January 31st, 2012.
Place "POSTER PROPOSAL" in the subject line of your message and email to: Amy Chatfield, Virtual Poster Committee Chair, amychatf at usc.edu<mailto:amychatf at usc.edu>
Have questions? Contact Amy Chatfield (amychatf at usc.edu<mailto:amychatf at usc.edu>).
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