[Eurchap] Fwd: [tripleC] New Issue Published: Vol 14, No 2
Michel Menou
michel.menou at orange.fr
Sat Jan 7 12:03:22 EST 2017
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Subject: [tripleC] New Issue Published: Vol 14, No 2
Date: Sat, 07 Jan 2017 12:19:15 +0100
From: Christian Fuchs <christian.fuchs at triple-c.at>
To: Michel J. Menou <micheljmenou at gmail.com>
Dear Readers of tripleC,
Please find below the table of contents of tripleC, Volume 14/No. 2 (and of
Volume 14/No. 1 in a separate e-mail).
tripleC has in 2016 published 33 articles on a total of 515 pages, including
the special issue "The Materiality of the Immaterial: ICTs and the Digital
Commons" (guest-edited by ndreas Roos, Vasilis Kostakis, Christos
tripleC is in 2017 entering its 15th year of publication. In a world ever
more dominated by the nasty politics of capitalism, nationalism and
right-wing extremism, it is essential that critical voices are present in
academia. tripleC is dedicated to making such voices heard and to fostering
anti-capitalist critical inquiry.
tripleC in 2017 supports and helps organising the conference "
Digital Objects, Digital Subjects: An Interdisciplinary Symposium on
Activism, Research & Critique in the Age of Big Data Capitalism (The 6th
ICTs and Society Conference)" that will take place on May 20 and 21 at the
University of Westminster in London. It will be a large symposium with the
following speakers: Antonio Negri, Jodi Dean, Antoinette Rouvroy, Christian
Fuchs, David Chandler, Etienne Turpin, Jack Qiu, Kylie Jarrett, Orit
Halpern, Paolo Gerbaudo
Registration is possible from now on:
Since 2016 (Vol 14), tripleC is indexed in the Emerging Sources Citations
Index, a citation index that is part of Web of Science.
In 2017, tripleC will continue to accept articles in its general
peer-reviewed section and its reflection section. In addition, given the
world political situation, it features from now on over the whole year 2017
a special political-interventionist section titled "Critical Theory
Interventions on Authoritarianism and Right-Wing Extremist Ideology in
Contemporary Capitalism" (editorial responsibilty: Christian Fuchs), for
which it considers and invites submissions that are interventionist pieces
based on and politically applying critical theories.
tripleC will in 2017 also publish two special issues:
* "From Global Justice to Occupy and Podemos: Mapping Three Stages of
Contemporary Activism" - guest editors: Peter Funke, Paolo Gerbaudo,
Emiliano Treré, Todd Wolfson
* Academic Labour, Digital Media and Capitalism - guest editors: Thomas
Allmer, Ergin Bulut
tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. Open Access Journal for a
Global Sustainable Information Society has just published its latest issue
at http://www.triple-c.at/index.php/tripleC. We invite you to review the
Table of Contents here and then visit our web site to review articles and
items of interest.
tripleC Vol 14, No 2
Thanks for the continuing interest in our work,
Prof. Christian Fuchs
Co-Editor of tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique
University of Westminster,
Director of the Westminster Institute for Advanced Studies (WIAS) & of the
Communication and Media Research Institute (CAMRI)
christian.fuchs at triple-c.at
tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. Open Access Journal for a
Global Sustainable Information Society
Vol 14, No 2 (2016)
Table of Contents
>From Produsers to Shareaholics: Changing Models of Reader Interaction in
Women’s Online Magazines (346–379)
Laura García-Favaro
Networked Social Reproduction: Crises in the Integrated Circuit (380–396)
Elise Danielle Thorburn
Reflections on a Critical Sociology of Networks (397–412)
Charalambos Tsekeris
Open Source, Social Activism and "Necessary Trade-offs" in the Digital
Enclosure: A Case Study of Platform Co-operative, Loomio.org (413–427)
Sam K Jackson, Kathleen M Kuehn
The Subject in the Crowd: A Critical Discussion of Jodi Dean’s “Crowds
and Party” (428–437)
Jacob Johanssen
Humanist and Materialist Perspectives on Communication: The Work of Álvaro
Vieira Pinto (438–450)
Rafael Grohmann
Market and Labour Control in Digital Capitalism (457–474)
Philipp Staab, Oliver Nachtwey
Re-thinking the Global Age as Interdependence, Opacity and Inertia
Oriol Poveda Guillén, Jakob Svensson
When States Strike Back: Failures of Mediatized Activism in Azerbaijan and
Turkey (496–515)
Ilkin Mehrabov
Reflections (Non Peer-Reviewed)
Critical Reflections on Time and Capitalism (451–456)
Thomas Klikauer
tripleC : Communication, Capitalism & Critique | Open Access Journal for a
Global Sustainable Information Society | http://www.triple-c.at
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