[Eurchap] Telco: Orchestrating the undertakings of ASIS& T European Chapter members for Annual Meeting in Copenhagen 2016
isabella.peters at freenet.de
isabella.peters at freenet.de
Sun Jan 24 06:00:54 EST 2016
Dear EUChap members,
the Doodle poll found a result:
We will talk on Monday, 25. January 2016, from 16:00 -17:00.
The information on whether we'll use Google Hangout or Skype will be sent around tomorrow, right before the conference call.
I hope you can make it all.
If the date doesn't fit your calendar:
please have a look at the shared document (https://docs.google.com/document/d/15rhwv9U9wWtxxTOWW1cxchwCOHp79J-i5zj_XDwl-0g/edit?pref=2&pli=1#) and feel free to add your thoughts.
Also, I am sure that this call wasn't the last in this regard. :-)
See you tomorrow - have a nice sunday!
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