[Eurchap] Congratulations to ASIS&T AM contributors from EUChap + student membership award
Isabella Peters
ipe at informatik.uni-kiel.de
Sun Aug 14 11:20:38 EDT 2016
Dear EUChap-Members,
in only 9 weeks the ASIS&T Annual Meeting is going to take place in
.so I thought it would be a good idea to send my congratulations
to all EUChap members who got papers, posters, panels, or workshops
Congratulations and I am looking forward do see you all in Copenhagen!
Kjellberg, Sara; Haider, Jutta; Cox, Andrew; Tam, Winnie; Tammaro, Anna
Maria; Matusiak, Krystyna K.
Making research data possible: negotiating between disciplinary cultures,
temporalities, data policies, professional interests and education and
Huvila, Isto; Budd, John M.; Lloyd, Annemaree; Palmer, Carole; Toms, Elaine
Information Work in Information Science Research and Practice
Julian Warner, Michael Buckland, Fidelia Ibekwe-SanJuan, Isabella Peters,
Niels Windfeld Lund
Tomato tomahto: European perspectives on information science
Mainka, Agnes; Castelnovo, Walter; Miettinen, Virve; Bech-Petersen, Sidsel;
Hartmann, Sarah; Stock, Wolfgang G.
Open Innovation In Smart Cities: Civic Participation and Co-Creation of
Public Services
Wang, Peiling; Wolfram, Dietmar; Bates, Marcia; Hoyt, Jason; Poschl, Ulrich;
Ingwersen, Peter; Smith, Richard
The Last Frontier in Open Science: Will Open Peer Review Transform
Scientific and Scholarly Publishing?
Lopatovska, Irene (USA); Byström, Katriina (Norway); Given, Lisa
(Australia); O'Brien, Heather (Canada); Rorissa, Abebe (USA)
Life After Tenure: Professional Development Strategies for Mid-Career
Lai Ma, Selenay Aytac, Hsin Liang Chen, Xiao Hu, Devendra Dilip Potnis, and
Abebe Rorrissa
Diversity and Multiculturalism in LIS Education
Sarah Barriage, Wayne Buente, Elke Greifeneder, Devon Greyson, Vanessa
Kitzie, Miraida Morales, Ross Todd, Julie Winkelstein
Ethical Tensions in Research: The Influence of Metatheoretical Orientation
on Ethics of Research
Ben Heuwing, Thomas Mandl, and Christa Womser-Hacker
Methods of User Centered Design and Evaluation of Text Analysis Tools in a
Digital History Project
Domachowski, Alexa; Griesbaum, Joachim; Heuwing, Ben
Perception and effectiveness of search advertising on smartphones
Lai Ma & Michael Ladisch
Scholarly Communication and Practices in the World of Metrics: An
Exploratory Study
Isabella Peters & Agnes Mainka
Push a badly built cart with bumpy wheels along a marshy meadow. Or: A
Short Tale on the Importance of Information Science
Byström, Katriina; Fichman, Pnina; Freund, Luanne; Rosenbaum, Howard
Enhancing lives through Information and Technology: A Combined SIG-SI and
SIG-USE Full-Day Workshop
Dont forget to also send student names for the student membership award
for more details).
Please send your nominations by Wednesday, August 17th and describe in up to
280 characters why you think the student should become an ASIST member or
what makes him or her deserve the free membership.
It is a great opportunity to reduce the conference fee for students!
Prof. Dr. Isabella Peters
Professor of Web Science
Kiel University (CAU Kiel)
Institute for Computer Science
Department Web Science (R. 506)
Hermann-Rodewald-Str. 3
D-24118 Kiel
T: +49 431 880-7286
E: ipe at informatik.uni-kiel.de
Web: <http://www.ws.informatik.uni-kiel.de/en/research>
ZBW Leibniz Information Center for Economics
Düsternbrooker Weg 120
D-24105 Kiel
T: +49-431-8814-623
E: i.peters at zbw.eu
Web: http://www.zbw.eu/en/research/web-science
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