[Eurchap] Call for papers: EuroHCIR 2014, London, 12/13 Sept 2014

Birger Larsen birger at hum.aau.dk
Mon Jun 2 09:01:52 EDT 2014

########  EuroHCIR 2014, London, 12/13 Sept 2014   ||   Call for Papers   ########

4th European Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval
         - 12th/13th Sept 2014 - BCS Offices, London, UK
                - Between DL2014 (8-12 Sept, London) & CLEF2014 (15-18 Sept, Sheffield UK)

Key Points:
- Research, Industry Case Studies, Demos, Position Papers: 1st Aug 2014
- Long Papers (6-10 pages), Short Papers (2-4 pages)
- Aim: stimulate european IR, HCI, & HCIR overlap
- Details: http://www.cs.nott.ac.uk/~mlw/euroHCIR2014/

Call for Papers:
In common with the wider HCIR community, this workshop will be focused on submissions based on, but not limited to, the following topics:

- Exploratory search and information discovery.
- HCIR systems for large collections (e.g. digital libraries, patent retrieval, etc)
- IR systems for extended sessions (e.g. holiday planning, entertainment, and casual browsing)
- Applications of HCI techniques to IR needs in specific domains.
- Modelling and evaluation of HCIR / IR.
- Scale and efficiency considerations for HCIR systems.
- Simulation of extended IR sessions and tasks
- Novel interaction techniques for IR.
- Relevance feedback / active learning approaches for IR.

Submission Types
    - demos can accompany each submission type

Industry Case Studies
- The enterprise and web search experiences from professionals are a key part of understanding excellence in HCIR design. We are inviting case studies and position papers that go beyond a simple narrative to describe lessons learned for the community.
**Industry case studies will be evaluated more in terms of their contributions to lessons learned than through research merit.**

Research Papers
- From the research community, we are interested in research contributions, late breaking results, or challenging, controversial, or insightful position papers that might shape the way the HCIR community thinks ahead.
** Academic contributions will be evaluated in terms of their contribution to the thinking and discussion for the workshop and the community.**

Demo Papers
- Short papers describing demo systems are invited, and will be presented in a Demo/Poster reception with food and drinks, which is open to both full workshop and reception-only participants.

Position Papers
- Sometimes insight comes from a range of sources - position papers that are thoughtful and well reasoned are invited, especially if they kick up some discussion.

Participants must submit anonymised ACM format PDFs to the EasyChair page, optionally indicating whether the submission is from industry or academia.

Long Papers - 6-10 pages - for notable industry case studies, novel research papers, or extensive well reasoned position papers.

Short Papers - 2-4 pages - for smaller case studies, smaller but concrete research contributions, demo papers, and position papers.

Submit to:

Important (Planned) Dates:
     - 1st August 2014 - Submissions Due
     - 15th August 2014 - Notifications
     - 22nd August 2014 - Earlybird Registration
     - 12/13th Sept 2014 - Workshop Day

Workshop Format & Schedule:

Friday 12th PM - Workshop opening talks & demo/poster drinks/food reception. The reception is open to full workshop participants, but reception-only tickets are also available.

Saturday 13th - Key talks and working groups, in the successful format used at the 2013 workshop. Each paper will be briefly presented, and then discussed in groups of differing perspectives, before being reported to everyone in the room.


Birger Larsen (Academia)
Aalborg University
birger - at - hum.aau.dk

Tony Russell-Rose (Industry)
UXLabs, UK
tgr - at - uxlabs.co.uk

Max L. Wilson (Academia)
University of Nottingham, UK
max.wilson - at - nottingham.ac.uk

Kristian Norling (Industry)
Industry Search Consultant, Sweden

Preben Hansen (Academia)
Stockholm University, Sweden
preben - at - dsv.su.se
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