[Eurchap] ESC Chapter Advisor

Tamara Heck Tamara.Heck at uni-duesseldorf.de
Mon Jan 7 05:35:20 EST 2013

Dear colleagues of the European Chapter /European Student Chapter,


we wish you all a happy new year. And 2013 starts with an election: The
European Student Chapter needs a new Chapter Advisor, as the bylaws say.
Michel Menou retired, and we need a regular ASIS&T member in good standing
(Section 2. in ESC bylaws: In addition to Student members, the Student
Chapter must include one Regular member of ASIS&T who shall serve as
Advisor, but who shall not hold a vote in the Student Chapter.)


The ASIS&T Student Chapter Representative told me we should "go with the
nominations+elections as appropriate for your chapter". As the EC/ESC bylaws
don't have strict formalities, the ESC board decided to make an election.
All EC and ESC members shall vote on the ESC Chapter Advisor. 


The nomination board will be the ESC board, but nominations can be made by
all EC/ESC members. The bylaws say the Chapter Advisor's term shall be three
years (Section 7.2-7.23). 


We invite you to participate and await nominations until Jan 21st 2013.

The election will be from Jan 28th till Feb 25th . 


Best wishes  


from the ESC board, 


Tamara Heck, David Gunnarsson, Liliana Melgar, Agnes Mainka


contact information: http://www.asis.org/Chapters/Student/esc/?page_id=2


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